gr. ἀθάνατος, athánatos: imortal, a incorruptibilidade da psyche; para a incorruptibilidade dos corpos naturais, ver aphthartos. gr. ἀθανασία, athanasía (he): imortalidade. Latim: immortalitas. Plotino redigiu um de seus primeiros tratados (o segundo, de acordo com Porfírio) Sobre a imortalidade da alma (Peri athanasías psykhês) (IV,VII).
ἀθάνατον (cf. Phédon, 80 b), neutre avec l’article, « l’immortel », à propos de l’âme essentielle (Tratado 53 2, 9 ; 2, 10).
Christian belief in resurrection with the Stoic belief, attacked by Alexander, in the eternal recurrence of the universe… Both beliefs were confronted with the question whether we could resume bodily existence after an interruption, and the discussion of them in antiquity was to some extent parallel. The belief in bodily reincarnation, which also involves an interruption, was subjected to a different set of problems. (SorabjiPC1:262)
Le grec dit epaktō̂i, c’est-à-dire « importé » de l’extérieur ; on retrouve la même idée plus loin (chap. 9, 10) et dans le traité 49 (V, 3), 5, 34. Ce qui reçoit la vie de l’extérieur, par procuration, ne peut être déclaré immortel. (->art5374)