gr. αὐτάρκεια, autárkeia: Composição de autos – si mesmo – e arkos/arkios – seguro; dois significados = repelir/fechar-se ou ajudar/ser-suficiente. Plotino fala de auto-suficiência, domínio a superar para quem quer alcançar o Uno (Gandillac).
Thus the being itself of human beings is what, in the end, constitutes the ἁπλῶς τέλειον of a being that is there. And this ἁπλῶς τέλειον is what one means by the expression εὐδαιμονία. Aristotle gives this popular, ordinary concept a specifically philosophical sense by determining the meaning of εὐδαιμονία on the basis of being-there itself. In the context of this clarification of εὐδαιμονία as ἁπλῶς τέλειον, Aristotle fleshes out this τέλειον in such a way that it is determined as τέλειον of the being-there of human beings. This relatedness that is constitutive of the τέλειον as being-completed comes to expression in the determination of the αὔταρκες: “that good which makes the being-there of human beings completed shows itself to be self-sufficient. (Since the human being, in accord with its own being-possibility, is a living thing that lives in terms of being-with-one-another, a ζῷον πολιτικóν) the determination of the τέλειον as self-sufficient cannot be related to individuals, nor does it apply primarily to those who maintain a solitary life. Instead, being with one’s parents, with children, with one’s wife, friends, and those who are in the πóλις with one, is implicit in being-there itself. A ὅρος must be won from this determinate being-with-one-another, insofar as it is supposed to be a being-there. For if one extends being-with-one-another to friends of friends, and relatives of relatives, and so on, one loses it, goes εἰς ἄπειρον.”106 Genuine being-with-one-another loses itself if it is a reckless being-with-all-human-beings. It is legitimate when it has its definite limit in itself. In this way, the further determination shows how the τέλειον ἀγαθóν is seen from the outset, a role that being-with-one-another plays in the τέλειον as αὔταρκες. (Heidegger, GA18:96-97)