Categoria: Enéada II
MacKenna: Tratado 52,7 (II,3,7) — Adivinhação pela Astrologia
7. But, if the stars announce the future – as we hold of many other things also – what explanation of the cause have we to offer? What explains the purposeful arrangement thus implied? Obviously, unless the particular is included under some general principle of order, there can be no signification. We may think of…
MacKenna: Tratado 52,6 (II,3,6) — Absurdo da Astrologia
6. But that this same Mars, or Aphrodite, in certain aspects should cause adulteries – as if they could thus, through the agency of human incontinence, satisfy their own mutual desires – is not such a notion the height of unreason? And who could accept the fancy that their happiness comes from their seeing each…
MacKenna: Tratado 52,5 (II,3,5) — Quente e frio, dia e noite, fases lunares
5. When they tell us that a certain cold star is more benevolent to us in proportion as it is further away, they clearly make its harmful influence depend upon the coldness of its nature; and yet it ought to be beneficent to us when it is in the opposed Zodiacal figures. When the cold…
MacKenna: Tratado 52,4 (II,3,4) — Influências dos astros
4. It is again not in reason that a particular star should be gladdened by seeing this or that other while, in a second couple, such an aspect is distressing: what enmities can affect such beings? what causes of enmity can there be among them? And why should there be any difference as a given…
MacKenna: Tratado 52,3 (II,3,3) — Astros não influenciados pelos lugares ou configurações
3. Possibly, however, they act not by choice but under stress of their several positions and collective figures? But if position and figure determined their action each several one would necessarily cause identical effects with every other on entering any given place or pattern. And that raises the question what effect for good or bad…
MacKenna: Tratado 52,2 (II,3,2) — Astros animados ou inanimados?
2. Are these planets to be thought of as soulless or unsouled? Suppose them, first, to be without Soul. In that case they can purvey only heat or cold – if cold from the stars can be thought of – that is to say, any communication from them will affect only our bodily nature, since…
MacKenna: Tratado 52,1 (II,3,1) — Apresentação da doutrina astrológica
1. That the circuit of the stars indicates definite events to come but without being the cause direct of all that happens, has been elsewhere affirmed, and proved by some modicum of argument: but the subject demands more precise and detailed investigation for to take the one view rather than the other is of no…
MacKenna: Tratado 52,16 (II,3,16) – Definição do que é o ser vivo
16. The question arises what phase of the Soul enters into the union for the period of embodiment and what phase remains distinct, what is separable and what necessarily interlinked, and in general what the Living-Being is. On all this there has been a conflict of teaching: the matter must be examined later on from…
MacKenna: Tratado 52,9 (II,3,9) — Destino e astros regem a alma inferior
9. This brings us to the Spindle-destiny, spun according to the ancients by the Fates. To Plato the Spindle represents the co-operation of the moving and the stable elements of the kosmic circuit: the Fates with Necessity, Mother of the Fates, manipulate it and spin at the birth of every being, so that all comes…
Guthrie: Tratado 52 (II, 3, 16-18): Whether Astrology is of any Value.
EXACT PSYCHOLOGY AT THE ROOT OF PHILOSOPHY. 16. What is the mingled, and what is the pure part of the soul? What part of the soul is separable? What part is not separable so long as the soul is in a body? What is the animal? This subject will have to be studied elsewhere, for…
Guthrie: Tratado 52 (II, 3, 9-15): Whether Astrology is of any Value.
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SPINDLE OF THE FATES. 9. This brings us to a consideration of the spindle, which, according to the ancients, is turned by the Fates, and by which Plato signifies that which, in the evolution of the world, moves, and that which is immovable. According to (Plato), it is the Fates, and their…
Guthrie: Tratado 52 (II, 3): Whether Astrology is of any Value.
SECOND ENNEAD, BOOK THREE. Whether Astrology is of any Value. 1 OF THE INFLUENCE OF THE STARS. 1. It has been said that the course of the stars indicates what is to happen to each being; though, it does not, as many persons think, cause every event. To the supporting proofs hereof we are to…
MacKenna: Tratado 52 (II, 3) – Are the stars causes?
The Second Ennead Third tractate. Are the stars causes?
Enéada II, 3, 18 — Os males são necessário e úteis
18. ¿Son necesarios, pues, los males en el universo, por seguirse de los seres superiores? Sí lo son, porque si no lo fuesen, el universo sería imperfecto. Muchos de entre ellos, e incluso todos, prestan algún servido al universo, como ocurre con los animales venenosos, aunque esto se nos oculta la mayoría de las veces.…
Enéada II, 3, 17 — A alma produz sem reflexão
17. ¿Podremos llamar pensamientos a estas razones que se dan en el alma? Pero, ¿cómo actuar verdaderamente conforme al pensamiento? Porque la razón seminal que obra en la materia es algo que actúa naturalmente; y no se trata de un pensamiento, ni de una visión, sino de una potencia que modifica la materia. Tampoco conoce,…
Enéada II, 3, 16 — A alma governa o universo segundo uma razão
16. Pero, ¿qué quieren decir los términos mezclado y no-mezclado, separado y no separado, cuando el alma se encuentra unida al cuerpo? ¿Qué es realmente el ser animado? Trataremos de averiguarlo después, pero siguiendo ya otro camino; porque no coinciden las opiniones sobre este punto. Ahora diremos, si acaso, en qué sentido afirmamos que “el…
Enéada II, 3, 15 — A alma superior faz escolhas antes de vir no universo
15. Platón, antes de referirse al movimiento del huso, concede la debida importancia a la suerte elegida por nosotros; y a continuación, habla de la suerte atribuible al huso, que concurre enteramente con aquélla. También el demonio colabora en su cumplimiento. Entonces, nos preguntamos: ¿qué papel corresponde al huso? Su suerte, contestaremos, dice relación al…
Enéada II, 3, 14 — Os astros não são senão um dos numerosos fatores que podem influir
14. ¿Cómo concebir ahora la pobreza y la riqueza, la celebridad y el poder? Porque, si la riqueza proviene de los padres, los astros dan fe de ella, lo mismo que anuncian el buen linaje si éste se debe sólo al nacimiento; ahora bien, si ha de atribuirse a la virtud, entonces el cuerpo pude…
Enéada II, 3, 13 — Princípio geral: nada pode modificar a razão que dirige o universo
13. Conviene que ahora tomemos tu consideración y distingamos estos dos casos, a saber, el hecho de que unas cosas derivan del movimiento del cielo y otras no, diciendo ademas, de manera general, de dónde proviene cada cosa. Nuestro principio es el siguiente: el alma gobierna el universo de acuerdo con la razón y puede…
Enéada II, 3, 12 — As influências dos astros se misturam entre elas
12. Las influencias de los distintos astros tienden realmente a unificarse, en tanto que cada uno de los seres que nacen recibe algo característico de esta mezcla, llegando a especificar así lo que él es y sus propias cualidades. Porque es claro que los astros no producen el caballo, pero algo le proporcionan; y si…