Categoria: Enéada-I-8

  • Essência

    Thus we see that it is not universally true that an Essence can have no contrary. Enneads: I. VIII. 6 But if this were so, part of the Soul must possess The Good, part be without it; the Soul will have a mingled nature and the Evil within it will not be unblended: we have…

  • Tratado 51 (I, 8) – Da natureza e origem dos males

    Plotin Traités 51-54. Traductions sous la direction de Luc Brisson et Jean-François Pradeau Plotino mobiliza neste tratado todos os recursos do platonismo para tentar resolver o problema do mal. O duplo questionamento do título dado por Porfírio — o que é o mal? donde vem? — constitui de fato um só e único problema: em…

  • Hades

    We teach that Virtue is not the Absolute Good and Beauty, because we know that These are earlier than Virtue and transcend it, and that it is good and beautiful by some participation in them. Now as, going upward from virtue, we come to the Beautiful and to the Good, so, going downward from Vice,…

  • MacKenna: Tratado 51 (I, 8) – On the nature and source of evil

    First Ennead. Eighth tractate. On the nature and source of evil.