Categoria: Enéada-II-9
Tratado 33 (II, 9, 15-18) — CONTRA LOS GNOSTICOS (Igal)
in Enéada-II-915. Sin embargo, convendría también que no olvidásemos el efecto que producen sus discursos sobre las almas de quienes les escuchan y sobre aquellos a quienes convencen para que desprecien el mundo y todo lo que el mundo contiene. Dos doctrinas hemos de distinguir sobre el fin de los bienes: una postula como fin el…
Ennead II,9 (Guthrie)
in Enéada-II-9Against the Gnostics; or, That the Creator and the World are Not Evil. THE SUPREME PRINCIPLES MUST BE SIMPLE AND NOT COMPOUND. 1. We have already seen that the nature of the Good is simple and primary, for nothing that is not primary could be simple. We have also demonstrated that the nature of the…
Enneads II,9 (MacKenna)
in Enéada-II-9Tractate 33 Second Ennead. Ninth tractate. Against those that affirm the creator of the kosmos and the kosmos itself to be evil: [generally quoted as “Against the gnostics”]. 1. We have seen elsewhere that the Good, the Principle, is simplex, and, correspondingly, primal – for the secondary can never be simplex – that it contains…