Categoria: Enéada-V-3
(1) Pour se connaître et se penser soi-même, il faut être un principe simple, parce que la véritable connaissance de soi-même suppose l’identité du sujet pensant et de l’objet pensé. (II-IV) Cette identité n’existe point dans la sensation, qui perçoit les modifications éprouvées par le corps. Elle n’existe pas non plus dans la raison discursive,…
Alma do Mundo
Enquanto o Uno, embora dele derive tudo, não sai dele mesmo e não se volta em direção ao que engendra, enquanto a Inteligência, em quem se encontram os princípios dos seres, a saber todo inteligível, não deixa o mundo do Alto, o ekei, a Alma do Mundo é a intermediária entre o mundo superior e…
Soul in its Relation to Nous (V)
V. 3. 8 (Armstrong Selections from the Enneads) [The soul is illuminated by Nous; and, being so illuminated, is raised to its level and becomes an image of it.] This light [of Noûs] shines in the soul and illumines it: that is, it makes it intelligent: that is, it makes it like itself, the light…
Soul in its Relation to Nous (IV)
V. 3. 7 (Armstrong Selections from the Enneads) [Soul is directed to and is like Nous in its inward part; but even in that part of it which is directed to the outside world, and in its external activities, it keeps a sort of likeness to Nous.] Once again, then, Nous is a self-contained activity,…
Soul in its Relation to Nous (III)
V. 3. 3-4 (Armstrong Selections from the Enneads) (We are not strictly speaking Nous, but soul, which is midway between Nous and sense-perception; in our normal life we are more closely connected with sense-perception; but we can become perfectly conformed to Nous by its own power, transcending our merely human nature, and then we do…
Noûs pensa o Uno em uma multidão de Formas
V. 3. 10-11 (Armstrong Selection and Translation from the Enneads) [The One does not need to think; It possesses Itself perfectly without any need of thought. Knowledge is always a process of completion, the fulfilling of a want. Noûs eternally seeks to know the One, but cannot grasp It in Its absolute Unity and Simplicity,…
MacKenna: Tratado 49,15 (V,3,15) — O Uno dá o que ele não é
15. Conferring – but how? As itself possessing them or not? How can it convey what it does not possess, and yet if it does possess how is it simplex? And if, again, it does not, how is it the source of the manifold? A single, unmanifold emanation we may very well allow – how…
MacKenna: Tratado 49,17 (V,3,17) — A alma não pode ter acesso ao Uno
17. But what can it be which is loftier than that existence – a life compact of wisdom, untouched by struggle and error, or than this Intellect which holds the Universe with all there is of life and intellect? If we answer “The Making Principle,” there comes the question, “making by what virtue?” and unless…
MacKenna: Tratado 49,14 (V,3,14) — O discurso apofântico do primeiro princípio
14. How, then, do we ourselves come to be speaking of it? No doubt we deal with it, but we do not state it; we have neither knowledge nor intellection of it. But in what sense do we even deal with it when we have no hold upon it? We do not, it is true,…
MacKenna: Tratado 49,13 (V,3,13) — O Uno está além do conhecimento
13. Thus The One is in truth beyond all statement: any affirmation is of a thing; but the all-transcending, resting above even the most august divine Mind, possesses alone of all true being, and is not a thing among things; we can give it no name because that would imply predication: we can but try…