Categoria: Enéada-V-9
Thomas Taylor: Tratado 5,2 (V,9,2) — Qual é o lugar além do mundo d’aqui de baixo?
II. What then is this place ? And how may some one arrive at it? He, indeed, will arrive thither, who is by nature amatory, and who is truly a philosopher in disposition from the beginning. For as being amatory, he will be parturient about the beautiful, yet will not be satisfied with the beauty…
Enéada V, 9, 13 — Há Formas de coisas que não se encontram no sensível?
13. Nos queda por decir si en el mundo inteligible se dan sólo los modelos de los seres sensibles o si, al igual que el hombre en sí es diferente del hombre sensible, se dan allí también un Alma en sí diferente del alma y una Inteligencia en sí diferente de la inteligencia. Debemos afirmar…
Guthrie: Tratado V,1 (V,9,1) — O homem sensual. O moral. E o espiritual.
THE SENSUAL MAN. THE MORAL. AND THE SPIRITUAL. 1. From their birth, men exercise their senses, earlier than their intelligence, and they are by necessity forced to direct their attention to sense-objects. Some stop there, and spend their life without progressing further. They consider suffering as evil, and pleasure as the good, judging it to…
Thomas Taylor: Tratado 5,10 (V,9,10) — As Formas e o mundo inteligível
X. Such things, therefore, as are forms in the sensible world, are derived from the intelligible world ; but such things as are not forms do not originate from thence. Hence, nothing preternatural is there; as neither is there in the arts any thing which is a deviation from art, or lameness in the seeds…
MacKenna: Tratado 5,14 (V,9,14) — Há Formas das coisas sem valor e compostos acidentais?
14. There is, thus, a Nature comprehending in the Intellectual all that exists, and this Principle must be the source of all. But how, seeing that the veritable source must be a unity, simplex utterly? The mode by which from the unity arises the multiple, how all this universe comes to be, why the Intellectual-Principle…
Enéada V, 9, 12 — Há Formas dos indivíduos?
12. No obstante, si en el mundo inteligible se da (una idea) del hombre, también se dará una idea del ser razonable y del creador artístico, y las artes, a su vez, tendrán ahí un lugar, puesto que son producciones de la inteligencia. Digamos, ante todo, que hay ideas de las cosas universales, no de…
Guthrie: Tratado V,10 (V,9,10) – No mundo dos sentidos só as formas procedem da inteligência
IN THE SENSE-WORLD ONLY THOSE THINGS THAT ARE FORMS PROCEED FROM INTELLIGENCE. 10. Therefore, in the sense-world, all the things that are forms proceed from intelligence; those which are not forms do not proceed therefrom. That is, in the intelligible world we do not find any of the things that are contrary to nature, any…
Thomas Taylor: Tratado 5,1 (V,9,1) — Três gêneros de homens
I. Since all men from their birth employ sense prior to intellect, and are necessarily first conversant with sensibles, some proceeding no farther pass through life, considering these as the first and last of things, and apprehending that whatever is painful among these is evil, and whatever is pleasant is good; thus thinking it sufficient…
MacKenna: Tratado 5,13 (V,9,13) — Há Formas de coisas que não se encontram no sensível?
13. It remains to decide whether only what is known in sense exists There or whether, on the contrary, as Absolute-Man differs from individual man, so there is in the Supreme an Absolute-Soul differing from Soul and an Absolute-Intellect differing from Intellectual-Principle. It must be stated at the outset that we cannot take all that…
Enéada V, 9, 11 — Há Formas dos produtos da técnica?
11. Todas las artes de imitación, como la pintura y la escultura, la danza y la pantomima, son artes propias de este mundo porque tienen un modelo sensible e imitan formas y producen cambios de movimientos y de simetrías visibles. No sería lógico trasladarlas al mundo inteligible, si no hubiese que referirlas a la razón…