Categoria: Enéada-VI-1
Guthrie: Tratado 42 (VI, 1, 4-5) — Of the Ten Aristotelian and Four Stoic Categories (Quantidade)
in Enéada-VI-12. QUANTITY. 4. The Aristotelians call quantity first “number,” then “continuous size,” “space,” and “time.” To these concepts they apply the other kinds of quantity; as for instance, they say that movement is a quantity measured by time. It might also be said reciprocally, that time receives its continuity from movement. CONTINUOUS AND DEFINITE QUANTITY…
MacKenna: Tratado 42 (VI, 1) — Das espécies de ser
in Enéada-VI-1The Sixth Ennead First tractate. On the kinds of being – (1).
Guthrie: Tratado 42 (VI, 1, 25-31) — Of the Ten Aristotelian and Four Stoic Categories (Categorias Estoicas)
in Enéada-VI-1B. CRITICISM OF THE STOIC CATEGORIES. 25. Let us now pass to the (Stoic) philosophers who, recognizing four categories only, divide everything into “substances,” “qualities,”‘ “modes,” and “relations;” and who, attributing to all (beings) something common, thus embrace them into a single genus. THE CATEGORY OF SOMETHING COMMON IS ABSURD. This doctrine raises a great…
Guthrie: Tratado 42 (VI, 1, 24) — Of the Ten Aristotelian and Four Stoic Categories (Situação)
in Enéada-VI-18. SITUATION. 24. As to the category of situation, it contains also such incidental characteristics as being raised, or seated. Here the Aristotelians do not make a category of situation, by itself, but of the kind of situation, as when it is said, “He is placed in such a posture”—a phrase in which “to be…
Guthrie: Tratado 42 (VI, 1, 23) — Of the Ten Aristotelian and Four Stoic Categories (Posse)
in Enéada-VI-17. POSSESSION. 23. Let us now examine the category of “having” (possession). HAVING IS SO INDEFINITE AND VARIOUS THAT IT CANNOT BE A CATEGORY. If the verb “to have” be used in several senses, why might we not apply to this category all the various uses of the word; for instance, quantity, because quantity has…
Guthrie: Tratado 42 (VI, 1, 15-22) — Of the Ten Aristotelian and Four Stoic Categories (Ação e Experiência)
in Enéada-VI-16. ACTION AND EXPERIENCING? The subject of action gives rise to the following considerations. ACTUALIZATION A FAR BETTER CATEGORY THAN DOING OR ACTING. 15. The Aristotelians hold that number and quantity, and other things referring to being should be subordinated to being; thus they classify quantity as in a genus different from being. Quality also…
Guthrie: Tratado 42 (VI, 1, 14) — Of the Ten Aristotelian and Four Stoic Categories (Lugar)
in Enéada-VI-15. WHERE, OR, PLACE. IF “WHERE” AND “PLACE” ARE DIFFERENT CATEGORIES. MANY MORE MIGHT BE ADDED. 14. The Aristotelians (while treating of this category) say, Where? For instance, “to the Lyceum,” or, “to the Academy.” The Academy and the Lyceum are then places and parts of places, as the “top,” the “bottom,” and “here” are…
Guthrie: Tratado 42 (VI, 1, 13) — Of the Ten Aristotelian and Four Stoic Categories (Tempo)
in Enéada-VI-14. WHEN. 13. As to the category of time, “when,” the following thoughts are suggested. IF TIME BE A QUANTITY; WHY SHOULD “TIME WHEN” FORM A SEPARATE CATEGORY? If to-morrow, to-day, and yesterday, as well as other similar divisions of time, be parts of time, why should ihey not be classed in the same classification…
Guthrie: Tratado 42 (VI, 1, 10-12) — Of the Ten Aristotelian and Four Stoic Categories (Qualidade)
in Enéada-VI-13. QUALITIES. 10. We are now to consider quality, on account of which a being is said to be “such.” What can be the nature of this quality that it exerts the power of deciding of the phenomena of objects ? Is there a same, single quality which is something common to all qualities, and…
Guthrie: Tratado 42 (VI, 1, 6-9) — Of the Ten Aristotelian and Four Stoic Categories (Relação)
in Enéada-VI-1RELATION. 6. Let us now consider relation. Let us see whether, in relative matters, there be something common that constitutes a kind, or which is a point of union in any other manner. Let us, before everything else, examine whether relation (as, for example, left and right, double and half, and so forth) be a…
MacKenna: Tratado 42,30 (VI,1,30) — Categorias Estoicas: A maneira de ser. A relação.
30. With regard to States: It may seem strange that States should be set up as a third class – or whatever class it is – since all States are referable to Matter. We shall be told that there is a difference among States, and that a State as in Matter has definite characteristics distinguishing…
Guthrie: Tratado 42 (VI, 1, 2-3) — Of the Ten Aristotelian and Four Stoic Categories (Ser)
in Enéada-VI-11. BEING. 2. Let us further examine if these ten divisions be kinds, and how being could form a kind; for we are forced to begin our study here. INTELLIGIBLE AND SENSE-BEING COULD NOT FORM A SINGLE KIND. We have just said that intelligible being and sense-being could not form a single kind. Otherwise, above…
Guthrie: Tratado 42 (VI, 1) — Of the Ten Aristotelian and Four Stoic Categories
in Enéada-VI-1SIXTH ENNEAD, BOOK ONE. Of the Ten Aristotelian and Four Stoic Categories HISTORICAL REVIEW OF CATEGORIES. 1. Very ancient philosophers have investigated the number and kinds of essences. Some said there was but one; others, that there was a limited number of them; others still, an infinite number. Besides, those who recognized but a single…
Bouillet: Tratado 42 (VI, 1) – DES GENRES DE L’ÊTRE I
in Enéada-VI-1(I) Il y a des opinions très différentes sur le nombre des êtres et sur les genres qu’ils forment. Nous allons commencer par examiner la doctrine que les Péripatéticiens professent à ce sujet. CRITIQUE DES DIX CATÉGORIES D’ARISTOTE (II-III) Les dix catégories d’Aristote ne sauraient s’appliquer également aux êtres intelligibles et aux êtres sensibles. Pour…
Enéada VI, 1 – Das dez categorias aristotélicas e das quatro estóicas
Plotin Traités. Traductions sous la direction de Luc Brisson e Jean-François Pradeau Os tratados 42, , e , que surgiram em difíceis circunstâncias, ao final da estadia de Porfírio em Roma, São consagrados às categorias, ou melhor aos gêneros do ser. Depois de um exame crítico do que Aristóteles e os estoicos disseram sobre o…
Enéada VI, 1: Comentários de Guthrie
in Enéada-VI-1Tradução de Guthrie Capítulo 1: Revisão histórica das categorias Das 10 categorias aristotélicas Posição de Aristóteles As categorias de Aristóteles negligenciam o Mundo Inteligível Capítulos 2-3: Ser Ser inteligível e ser sensível não podem formar uma única espécie Questões levantadas pelas teorias aristotélicas O que é “ser’ em geral? Capítulo 4: Quantidade Quantidade contínua e…
Enéada VI, 1, 1 — Sobre o número dos gêneros do ser ou das categorias
Cap 1, 1-14: Introdução geral: sobre o número dos gêneros do ser ou das categorias nos antigos: Platão, Aristóteles e os estoicos Cap 1, 1-5. Os antigos Cap 1, 6-12: Platão, Aristóteles e os estoicos Cap 1, 12-14: A questão da univocidade ou da equivocidade Cap 1, 15 a cap 24,12: Os gêneros do ser…
MacKenna: Tratado 42,18 (VI,1,18) — O agir e o padecer
18. There are other questions calling for consideration: First: Are both Acts and motions to be included in the category of Action, with the distinction that Acts are momentary while Motions, such as cutting, are in time? Or will both be regarded as motions or as involving Motion? Secondly: Will all activities be related to…