Categoria: Tratados – Enéadas
Tratado 27 (IV, 3, 8) — Sympathy between individual and universal soul comes from common source. (Guthrie)
SYMPATHY BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL AND UNIVERSAL SOUL COMES FROM COMMON SOURCE. 8. The sympathy existing between souls forms no objection. For this sympathy might be explained by the fact that all souls are derived from the same principle from which the universal Soul also is derived. We have already shown that there is one Soul (the…
Tratado 27 (IV, 3, 7) — Difference between individual and universal souls. (Guthrie)
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INDIVIDUAL AND UNIVERSAL SOULS. 7. That is what seems true to us. As to the Philebus passage (quoted in the first section), it might mean that all souls were parts of the universal Soul. That, however, is not its true meaning, as held by some. It only means what Plato desired to assert…
Tratado 27 (IV, 3, 6) — Why should creation be predicated of the universal soul and not of the human? (Guthrie)
WHY SHOULD CREATION BE PREDICATED OF THE UNIVERSAL SOUL AND NOT OF THE HUMAN? 6. If there be similarity between the universal Soul and the individual souls, how does it happen that the former created the world, while the others did not do so, though each of them also contain all things within herself, and…
Tratado 27 (IV, 3, 5) — Souls retain both their unity and differences on different levels. (Guthrie)
SOULS RETAIN BOTH THEIR UNITY AND DIFFERENCES ON DIFFERENT LEVELS. 5. How could the universal Soul simultaneously be the soul of yourself and of other persons? Might she be the soul of one person by her lower strata, and that of somebody else by her higher strata? To teach such a doctrine would be equivalent…
Tratado 27 (IV, 3, 4) — Intellectual difficulty of the soul being one and yet in all beings. (Guthrie)
INTELLECTUAL DIFFICULTY OF THE SOUL BEING ONE AND YET IN ALL BEINGS. 4. If the universal Soul be one in this manner, what about consequences of this (conception)? Might we not well doubt the possibility of the universal Soul’s simultaneously being one, yet present in all beings? How does it happen that some souls are…
Tratado 27 (IV, 3, 3) — Consciousness of some part of the body to the whole consciousness? (Guthrie)
CONSCIOUSNESS OF SOME PART OF THE BODY TO THE WHOLE CONSCIOUSNESS? 3. Are individual souls parts of the universal Soul as, in any living organism, the soul that animates (or vivifies) the finger is a part of the entire soul back of the whole animal? This hypothesis would force us to the conclusion either that…
Tratado 27 (IV, 3, 2) — Alma e Alma-do-Mundo: ser da mesma espécie não significa ser uma parte (Guthrie)
CONFORMITY TO THE UNIVERSAL SOUL IMPLIES THAT THEY ARE NOT PARTS OF HER. 2. Consider the following answers. To begin with, the assertion that souls conform (to each other), because they attain the same objects, and the reduction of them to a single kind, implicitly denies that they are parts (of the universal Soul). We…
Tratado 27 (IV, 3, 1) — A alma provém da alma do mundo (Guthrie)
PSYCHOLOGY OBEYS THE PRECEPT “KNOW THYSELF,” AND SHOWS HOW WE ARE TEMPLES OF THE DIVINITY. 1. Among the questions raised about the soul, we purpose to solve here not only such as may be solved with some degree of assurance, but also such as may be considered matters of doubt, considering our researches rewarded by…
Tratado 1 (I, 6) – Du Beau (Bréhier)
Notice Ce célèbre traité est un de ceux qui font le mieux voir comment Plotin utilise les dialogues platoniciens, en introduisant entre eux un ordre systématique ; toute la série des questions sur le Beau, qui ouvrent le traité, provient de l’ Hippias majeur. D’après Plotin, ce sont les questions de l’ Hippias qui trouvent…
Tratado 1 (I, 6) — Du Beau (Bouillet)
Ce livre est le premier dans l’ordre chronologique. Il a été traduit en anglais par Taylor, Concerning the Beautiful, or a paraphrase translation from the Greek of Plotinus, London, 1787; en français par M. Auquetil, à la suite du livre de M. Théry De l’Esprit et de la critique littéraire chez les peuples anciens et…
Plotino – Tratado 1,6-9 – o Bem e o Uno (versões)
Una vez, pues, que el alma se ha purificado, se hace forma y razón, se vuelve totalmente incorpórea e intelectiva y se integra toda ella en lo divino, de donde nacen la fuente de lo bello y todas las cosas de la misma estirpe parecidas a lo bello. Un alma subida a la inteligencia realza,…
Tratado 1,1 (I,6,1) — Revisão da beleza na cotidianidade (Guthrie)
REVIEW OF BEAUTY OF DAILY LIFE. 1. Beauty chiefly affects the sense of sight. Still, the ear perceives it also, both in the harmony of words, and in the different kinds of music; for songs and verses are equally beautiful. On rising from the domain of the senses to a superior region, we also discover…
Tratado 1,3 (I,6,3) — A alma aprecia a beleza por um sentido estético (Guthrie)
THE SOUL APPRECIATES THE BEAUTIFUL BY AN AESTHETIC SENSE. 3. The soul appreciates beauty by an especially ordered faculty, whose sole function it is to appreciate all that concerns beauty, even when the other faculties take part in this judgment. Often the soul makes her (aesthetic) decisions by comparison with the form of the beautiful…
Tratado 1,5 (I,6,5) — Amor da beleza explicado pela aversão ao oposto (Guthrie)
THE CAUSE OF THESE EMOTIONS IS THE INVISIBLE SOUL. 5. Let us now propound a question about experiences to these men who feel love for incorporeal beauties. What do you feel in presence of the noble occupations, the good morals, the habits of temperance, and in general of virtuous acts and sentiments, and of all…
Tratado 1,6 (I,6,6) — Virtudes são somente purificações (Guthrie)
VIRTUES ARE ONLY PURIFICATIONS. 6. Thus, according to the ancient (Platonic or Empedoclean) maxim, “courage, temperance, all the virtues, nay, even prudence, are but purifications.” The mysteries were therefore wise in teaching that the man who has not been purified will, in hell, dwell at the bottom of a swamp; for everything that is not…
Tratado 1,7 (I,6,7) — Visão de Deus (Guthrie)
THE SUPREME PURPOSE OF LIFE IS THE ECSTATICAL VISION OF GOD. 7. Thus, in her ascension towards divinity, the soul advances until, having risen above everything that is foreign to her, she alone with Him who is alone, be holds, in all His simplicity and purity, Him from whom all depends, to whom all aspires,…
Tratado 1,8 (I,6,8) — O método de alcançar êxtase é fechar os olhos do corpo (Guthrie)
THE METHOD TO ACHIEVE ECSTASY IS TO CLOSE THE EYES OF THE BODY. 8. How shall we start, and later arrive at the contemplation of this ineffable beauty which, like the divinity in the mysteries, remains hidden in the recesses of a sanctuary, and does not show itself outside, where it might be perceived by…
Tratado 1,9 (I,6,9) — Como treinar esta visão interior (Guthrie)
HOW TO TRAIN THIS INTERIOR VISION. 9. But how shall we train this interior vision ? At the moment of its (first) awakening, it cannot contemplate beauties too dazzling. Your soul must then first be accustomed to contemplate the noblest occupations of man, and then the beautiful deeds, not indeed those performed by artists, but…
Tratado 1,4 (I,6,4) — Beleza interior não pode ser apreciada sem um modelo interior (Guthrie)
4. Now we shall leave the senses in their lower sphere, and we shall rise to the contemplation of the beauties of a superior order, of which the senses have no intuition, but which the soul perceives and expresses. INTERIOR BEAUTIES COULD NOT BE APPRECIATED WITHOUT AN INTERIOR MODEL. Just as we could not have…
Tratado 1 (I, 6) — Da Beleza (Guthrie)
FIRST ENNEAD, BOOK SIXTH. Of Beauty. Retirado de Complete works, in chronological order, grouped in four periods; with biography by Porphyry, Eunapius, & Suidas, commentary by Porphyry, illustrations by Jamblichus & Ammonius, studies in sources, development, influence, index of subjects, thoughts and words (translated by) Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie (Volume 1)