Categoria: Tratado 19 (I,2)
Tratado 19,2 (I, 2, 2) — Teoria da dupla assimilação. (Guthrie)
THERE ARE TWO KINDS OF RESEMBLANCE. 2. Let us first examine the virtues by which we are assimilated to the divinity, and let us study the identity between our soul-image which constitutes virtue, and supreme Intelligence’s principle which, without being virtue, is its archetype. There are two kinds of resemblance: the first entails such identity…
Tratado 19,4 (I, 2, 4) — O efeito da purificação (Bouillet)
(4) La purification (katharsis) est-elle la même chose que la vertu telle que nous venons de la définir? Ou bien la vertu est-elle la conséquence de la purification? Dans ce cas, consiste-t-elle à se purifier actuellement ou à être déjà purifié? voilà ce que nous avons à examiner. Se purifier est inférieur à être déjà…
Tratado 19,3 (I, 2, 3) — As virtudes são purificações (Bouillet)
(3) Platon indiquant un autre mode d’assimilation comme le privilège d’une vertu supérieure1, nous parlerons de cet autre mode. Par là on comprendra mieux quelle est l’essence de la vertu civile, et ce qu’est cette autre vertu d’une nature supérieure, et en quoi elle diffère de la précédente. Quand Platon dit qu’on s’assimile à Dieu…
Tratado 19,2 (I, 2, 2) — Teoria da dupla assimilação (Bouillet)
(2). Examinons d’abord les vertus par lesquelles nous devenons semblables à Dieu, et cherchons quel genre d’identité il y a entre l’image qui dans notre âme constitue la vertu et le principe qui dans l’Intelligence suprême est l’archétype de la vertu sans être la vertu. Il y a deux espèces de ressemblance : l’une exige…
Tratado 19,1 (I, 2, 1) — A virtude consiste em se tornar semelhante ao deus (Bouillet)
(1) Puisque le mal règne ici-bas et domine inévitablement en ce monde, et puisque l’âme veut fuir le mal, il faut fuir d’ici-bas. Mais quel en est le moyen? C’est, dit Platon, de nous rendre semblables à Dieu. Or nous y réussirons en nous formant à la justice, à la sainteté, à la sagesse, et…
Tratado 19,7 (I, 2, 7) — Implicação mútua das virtudes. (Guthrie)
EVEN THE LOWER VIRTUES ARE MUTUALLY RELATED. 7. Within the soul the virtues have the same interconnection obtaining within Intelligence between the types superior to virtue. For Intelligence, it is thought that constitutes wisdom and prudence; conversion towards oneself is temperance; the fulfillment of one’s proper function is justice, and the intelligence’s perseverance in remaining…
Tratado 19,6 (I, 2, 6) — As virtudes da alma purificada. (Guthrie)
THE GOAL OF PURIFICATION IS SECOND DIVINITY, INTELLIGENCE. 6. A man who has achieved such a state no longer commits such faults; for he has become corrected. But his desired goal is not to cease failing, but to be divine. In case he still allows within himself the occurrence of some of the above-mentioned unreflecting…
Tratado 19,5 (I, 2, 5) — O estado da alma que empreende de se separar do corpo. (Guthrie)
THE LIMIT OF PURIFICATION IS THAT OF THE SOUL’S SELF-CONTROL. 5. The limit of purification decides to which (of the three hypostases of) divinity the soul may hope to assimilate and identify herself; therefore we shall have to consider that limit. To decide that would be to examine the limit of the soul’s ability to…
Tratado 19,4 (I, 2, 4) — O efeito da purificação (Guthrie)
PURIFICATION PRODUCES CONVERSION; AND VIRTUE MAKES USE OF THIS. 4. Purification may be either identical with the above-defined virtue, or virtue may be the result of purification. In this case, does virtue consist of the actual process of purification, or in the already purified condition? This is our problem here. The process of purification is…
Tratado 19,3 (I, 2, 3) — As virtudes, sob sua forma mais alta, são purificações (Guthrie)
PLATO DISTINGUISHES BETWEEN THE HOMELY AND THE HIGHER VIRTUES. 3. We will now, following (Plato), speak of another kind of assimilation as the privilege of a higher virtue. We will thus better understand the nature of homely virtues, and the higher virtues, and the difference between them. Plato is evidently distinguishing two kinds of virtues…
Tratado 19,5 (I, 2, 5) — O estado da alma a se separar do corpo. (Bouillet)
(5) Jusqu’où conduit la purification? telle est la ques- tion que nous avons à résoudre pour savoir à quel Dieu1 l’âme peut se rendre semblable et s’identifier. La résoudre, c’est examiner jusqu’à quel point l’âme peut réprimer la colère, les appétits et les passions de toute espèce, triompher de la douleur et des autres sentiments…
Tratado 19,1 (I, 2, 1) — A virtude consiste em se tornar semelhante ao deus (Guthrie)
VIRTUE THE ROAD TO ESCAPE EVILS. 1. Man must flee from (this world) here below (for two reasons): because it is the nature of the soul to flee from evil, and because inevitable evil prevails and dominates this world here below. What is this flight (and how can we accomplish it)? (Plato),1 tells us it…
Tratado 19,7 (I, 2, 7) — Implicação mútua da virtude (MacKenna)
7. The virtues in the Soul run in a sequence correspondent to that existing in the over-world, that is among their exemplars in the Intellectual-Principle. In the Supreme, Intellection constitutes Knowledge and Wisdom; self-concentration is Sophrosyne; Its proper Act is Its Dutifulness; Its Immateriality, by which It remains inviolate within Itself is the equivalent of…
Tratado 19,6 (I, 2, 6) — Virtudes da alma purificada (MacKenna)
6. In all this there is no sin- there is only matter of discipline- but our concern is not merely to be sinless but to be God. As long as there is any such involuntary action, the nature is twofold, God and Demi-God, or rather God in association with a nature of a lower power:…
Tratado 19,5 (I, 2, 5) — A alma que se separa do corpo (MacKenna)
5. So we come to the scope of the purification: that understood, the nature of Likeness becomes clear. Likeness to what Principle? Identity with what God? The question is substantially this: how far does purification dispel the two orders of passion- anger, desire and the like, with grief and its kin- and in what degree…
Tratado 19,4 (I, 2, 4) — Efeito da purificação (MacKenna)
4. We come, so, to the question whether Purification is the whole of this human quality, virtue, or merely the forerunner upon which virtue follows? Does virtue imply the achieved state of purification or does the mere process suffice to it, Virtue being something of less perfection than the accomplished pureness which is almost the…
Tratado 19,3 (I, 2, 3) — Virtudes são purificações (MacKenna)
3. We come now to that other mode of Likeness which, we read, is the fruit of the loftier virtues: discussing this we shall penetrate more deeply into the essence of the Civic Virtue and be able to define the nature of the higher kind whose existence we shall establish beyond doubt. To Plato, unmistakably,…
Tratado 19,2 (I, 2, 2) — Teoria da dupla assimilação (MacKenna)
2. First, then, let us examine those good qualities by which we hold Likeness comes, and seek to establish what is this thing which, as we possess it, in transcription, is virtue but as the Supreme possesses it, is in the nature of an exemplar or archetype and is not virtue. We must first distinguish…
Tratado 19,1 (I, 2, 1) — A virtude, se tornar semelhante a Deus (MacKenna)
1. Since Evil is here, “haunting this world by necessary law,” and it is the Soul’s design to escape from Evil, we must escape hence. But what is this escape? “In attaining Likeness to God,” we read. And this is explained as “becoming just and holy, living by wisdom,” the entire nature grounded in Virtue.…
Tratado 19 (I, 2) – Sobre as virtudes
Na filosofia grega da Antiguidade, o discurso sobre as virtudes constitui a questão fundamental de toda ética: o leitor do tratado 19, pode portanto naturalmente esperar abordar aqui um tratado de caráter ético. E é efetivamente o caso. Mas a ética de Plotino tem algo de desconcertante para o leitor de nossos dias: a única…