Categoria: Tratado 28 (IV,4)
MacKenna: Tratado 28,32 (IV,4,32) — O universo é um vivente onde reina a simpatia
32. If we can trace neither to material agencies (blind elements) nor to any deliberate intention the influences from without which reach to us and to the other forms of life and to the terrestrial in general, what cause satisfactory to reason remains? The secret is: firstly, that this All is one universally comprehensive living…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,31 (IV,4,31) — Classificação das ações e das paixões
31. Our problem embraces all act and all experience throughout the entire kosmos – whether due to nature, in the current phrase, or effected by art. The natural proceeds, we must hold, from the All towards its members and from the members to the All, or from member to other member: the artificial either remains,…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,29 (IV,4,29) — A separação da alma e do corpo
29. But – keeping to our illustration, by which the body is warmed by soul and not merely illuminated by it – how is it that when the higher soul withdraws there is no further trace of the vital principle? For a brief space there is; and, precisely, it begins to fade away immediately upon…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,10 (IV,4,10) — Zeus enquanto alma do mundo (1)
10. The ordering principle is twofold; there is the principle known to us as the Demiurge and there is the Soul of the All; we apply the appellation “Zeus” sometimes to the Demiurge and sometimes to the principle conducting the universe. When under the name of Zeus we are considering the Demiurge we must leave…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,6 (IV,4,6) — A memória não pertence senão às almas que mudam de lugar e se transformam
6. Souls that descend, souls that change their state – these, then, may be said to have memory, which deals with what has come and gone; but what subjects of remembrance can there be for souls whose lot is to remain unchanged? The question touches memory in the stars in general, and also in the…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,18 (IV,4,18) — A união da alma e do corpo comparada ao ar aquecido (alma vegetativa) ou iluminado (alma descida)
18. There remains the question whether the body possesses any force of its own – so that, with the incoming of the soul, it lives in some individuality – or whether all it has is this Nature we have been speaking of, the superior principle which enters into relations with it. Certainly the body, container…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,30 (IV,4,30) — A influência dos astros é devida à simpatia. A Memória, a Sensação e a Magia
30. We have declared acts of memory unnecessary to the stars, but we allow them perceptions, hearing as well as seeing; for we said that prayers to them were heard – our supplications to the sun, and those, even, of certain other men to the stars. It has moreover been the belief that in answer…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,1 (IV,4,1) — A memória em sua relação à união da alma e do corpo (1)
1. What, then, will be the Soul’s discourse, what its memories in the Intellectual Realm, when at last it has won its way to that Essence? Obviously from what we have been saying, it will be in contemplation of that order, and have its Act upon the things among which it now is; failing such…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,2 (IV,4,2) — A memória em sua relação à união da alma e do corpo (2)
2. Enough on that point: we come now to the question of memory of the personality? There will not even be memory of the personality; no thought that the contemplator is the self – Socrates, for example – or that it is Intellect or Soul. In this connection it should be borne in mind that,…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,3 (IV,4,3) — A memória em sua relação à união da alma e do corpo (3)
3. But it leaves that conjunction; it cannot suffer that unity; it falls in love with its own powers and possessions, and desires to stand apart; it leans outward so to speak: then, it appears to acquire a memory of itself. In this self-memory a distinction is to be made; the memory dealing with the…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,4 (IV,4,4) — A memória em sua relação à união da alma e do corpo (4)
4. In that realm it has also vision, through the Intellectual-Principle, of The Good which does not so hold to itself as not to reach the soul; what intervenes between them is not body and therefore is no hindrance – and, indeed, where bodily forms do intervene there is still access in many ways from…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,5 (IV,4,5) — A memória em sua relação à união da alma e do corpo (5)
5. But this power which determines memory is it also the principle by which the Supreme becomes effective in us? At any time when we have not been in direct vision of that sphere, memory is the source of its activity within us; when we have possessed that vision, its presence is due to the…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,7 (IV,4,7) — Os astros (1)
7. Well but can they not tell themselves that yesterday, or last year, they moved round the earth, that they lived yesterday or at any given moment in their lives? Their living is eternal, and eternity is an unchanging unity. To identify a yesterday or a last year in their movement would be like isolating…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,8 (IV,4,8) — Os astros (2)
8. But, we need not record in memory all we see; mere incidental concomitants need not occupy the imagination; when things vividly present to intuition, or knowledge, happen to occur in concrete form, it is not necessary – unless for purposes of a strictly practical administration – to pass over that direct acquaintance, and fasten…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,9 (IV,4,9) — Zeus como demiurgo
9. But Zeus – ordering all, governor, guardian and disposer, possessor for ever of the kingly soul and the kingly intellect, bringing all into being by his providence, and presiding over all things as they come, administering all under plan and system, unfolding the periods of the kosmos, many of which stand already accomplished –…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,11 (IV,4,11) — Zeus enquanto alma do mundo (2)
11. The administration of the kosmos is to be thought of as that of a living unit: there is the action determined by what is external, and has to do with the parts, and there is that determined by the internal and by the principle: thus a doctor basing his treatment on externals and on…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,12 (IV,4,12) — Zeus enquanto alma do mundo (3)
12. It may be urged that all the multiplicity and development are the work of Nature, but that, since there is wisdom within the All, there must be also, by the side of such natural operation, acts of reasoning and of memory. But this is simply a human error which assumes wisdom to be what…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,13 (IV,4,13) — Zeus enquanto alma do mundo (4)
13. But what is the difference between the Wisdom thus conducting the universe and the principle known as Nature? This Wisdom is a first (within the All-Soul) while Nature is a last: for Nature is an image of that Wisdom, and, as a last in the soul, possesses only the last of the Reason-Principle: we…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,14 (IV,4,14) — Zeus enquanto alma do mundo (5)
14. Of the corporeal thus brought into being by Nature the elemental materials of things are its very produce, but how do animal and vegetable forms stand to it? Are we to think of them as containers of Nature present within them? Light goes away and the air contains no trace of it, for light…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,15 (IV,4,15) — A questão da temporalidade: as almas não estão no tempo
15. But there is a difficulty affecting this entire settlement: Eternity is characteristic of the Intellectual-Principle, time of the soul – for we hold that time has its substantial being in the activity of the soul, and springs from soul – and, since time is a thing of division and comports a past, it would…