Categoria: Tratado 3 (III,1)
Tratado 3,10 (III,1,10) — Há duas espécies de causas, a alma e as causas exteriores (MacKenna)
10. To sum the results of our argument: All things and events are foreshown and brought into being by causes; but the causation is of two Kinds; there are results originating from the Soul and results due to other causes, those of the environment. In the action of our Souls all that is done of…
Tratado 3,1 (III,1,1) — Todas as coisas têm ou não uma causa? (Bréhier)
1. Tous les événements arrivent et tous les êtres existent ou bien selon des causes, ou bien sans cause ; ou bien il y a des événements et des êtres qui sont sans cause, et d’autres qui ont des causes ; ou bien les événements ont tous une cause tandis que parmi les êtres, ou…
Tratado 3,10 (III,1,10) — Há duas espécies de causas, a alma e as causas exteriores (Guthrie)
THE SOUL OBEYS FATE ONLY WHEN EVIL. 10. The conclusion of our discussion is that while everything is indicated and produced by causes, these are of two kinds: first the human soul, and then only exterior circumstances. When the soul acts “conformably to right reason” she acts freely. Otherwise, she is tangled up in her…
Tratado 3,9 (III,1,9) — Sob o domínio do exterior, a alma não age voluntariamente (Guthrie)
THE SOUL IS FREE WHEN FOLLOWING REASON. 9. All things therefore, which result either from a choice by the soul, or from exterior circumstances, are “necessary,” or determined by a cause. Could anything, indeed, be found outside of these causes ? If we gather into one glance all the causes we admit, we find the…
Tratado 3,8 (III,1,8) — A alma, a do universo e a do indivíduo, é a causa distante (Guthrie)
THE HUMAN SOUL AS AN INDEPENDENT PRINCIPLE. 8. What other cause, besides the preceding, will we have to invoke so as to let nothing occur without a cause, to maintain order and interdependence of things in the world, and in order to preserve the possibility of predictions and omens without destroying our personality? We shall…
Tratado 3,7 (III,1,7) — A opinião estoica do encadeamento das causas (Guthrie)
RESTATEMENT OF THE STOIC DOCTRINE, AND THE HERACLITIAN. 7. There remains to be considered the (Stoic) doctrine which, concatenating and interrelating all things among each other, establishes “a single cause which produces everything through seminal reasons.” This doctrine reattaches itself to (Heraclitus’s) which deduces from the action of the universal Soul the constitution and the…
Tratado 3,6 (III,1,6) — Refutação da opinião dos astrólogos (cont.) (Guthrie)
HEREDITY MORE IMPORTANT THAN STAR-INFLUENCE; CONTINUATION. 6. Each being derives his character from his nature. One being is a horse because he is born from a mare, while another is human, because born from a human mother; and more: he is that particular horse, and that particular man because he is born from such and…
Tratado 3,5 (III,1,5) — Refutação da opinião dos astrólogos (Guthrie)
RESTATEMENT OF THE ASTROLOGICAL THEORY OF FATE. 5. Others, again, insist that this is not the state of affairs. Their disposition depends on the circular movement of the heaven which governs everything, on the course of the stars, of their mutual relative position at the time of their rising, of their setting, of their zenith,…
Tratado 3,4 (III,1,4) — Refutação da opinião de causas incorporais (Guthrie)
RESTATEMENT OF HERACLITUS’S POSITION. 4. But might (Heraclitus) suppose that a single Soul interpenetrating the universe produces everything, and by supplying the universe with motion supplies it simultaneously to all its constituent beings, so that from this primary cause, would necessarily flow all secondary causes, whose sequence and connection would constitute Fate? Similarly, in a…
Tratado 3,3 (III,1,3) — Refutação da opinião dos epicuristas (Guthrie)
THE PHYSICAL THEORIES ARE ABSURD. 3. To refer everything to physical causes, whether you call them atoms or elements, and from their disordered motion to deduce order, reason and the soul that directs (the body), is absurd and impossible; nevertheless, to deduce everything from atoms, is, if possible, still more impossible; and consequently many valid…
Tratado 3,2 (III,1,2) — As causas distantes, exame e refutação das diferentes opiniões (Guthrie)
PROXIMATE CAUSES ARE UNSATISFACTORY; WE MUST SEEK THE ULTIMATE ONES. 2. To stop, on arriving at these causes, and to refuse further analysis, is to exhibit superficiality. This is against the advice of the sages, who advise ascending to the primary causes, to the supreme principles. For example, why, during the full moon, should the…
Tratado 3,1 (III,1,1) — Todas as coisas têm ou não uma causa? (Guthrie)
POSSIBLE THEORIES ABOUT FATE. 1. The first possibility is that there is a cause both for the things that become, and those that are; the cause of the former being their becoming, and that of the latter, their existence. Again, neither of them may have a cause. Or, in both cases, some may have a…
Tratado 3,2 (III,1,2) — As causas distantes, exame e refutação das diferentes opiniões (Bréhier)
2. Se reposer quand on est arrivé là et ne pas vouloir aller plus haut, c’est être paresseux ou ne pas écouter ceux qui remontent aux causes premières, situées au delà. Pourquoi, de deux individus nés dans les mêmes circonstances, par exemple au lever de la lune, l’un commet-il un vol et non pas l’autre…
Tratado 3,9 (III,1,9) — Sob o domínio do exterior, a alma não age voluntariamente (MacKenna)
9. We admit, then, a Necessity in all that is brought about by this compromise between evil and accidental circumstance: what room was there for anything else than the thing that is? Given all the causes, all must happen beyond aye or nay – that is, all the external and whatever may be due to…
Tratado 3,8 (III,1,8) — A alma, a do universo e a do indivíduo, é a causa distante (MacKenna)
8. What can this other cause be; one standing above those treated of; one that leaves nothing causeless, that preserves sequence and order in the Universe and yet allows ourselves some reality and leaves room for prediction and augury? Soul: we must place at the crest of the world of beings, this other Principle, not…
Tratado 3,7 (III,1,7) — A opinião estoica do encadeamento das causas (MacKenna)
7. It remains to notice the theory of the one Causing-Principle alleged to interweave everything with everything else, to make things into a chain, to determine the nature and condition of each phenomenon – a Principle which, acting through seminal Reason-Forms – Logoi Spermatikoi – elaborates all that exists and happens. The doctrine is close…
Tratado 3,6 (III,1,6) — Refutação da opinião dos astrólogos (cont.) (MacKenna)
6. But in fact everything follows its own Kind; the birth is a horse because it comes from the Horse Kind, a man by springing from the Human Kind; offspring answers to species. Allow the kosmic circuit its part, a very powerful influence upon the thing brought into being: allow the stars a wide material…
Tratado 3,5 (III,1,5) — Refutação da opinião dos astrólogos (MacKenna)
5. But perhaps the explanation of every particular act or event is rather that they are determined by the spheric movement – the Phora – and by the changing position of the heavenly bodies as these stand at setting or rising or in mid-course and in various aspects with each other. Augury, it is urged,…
Tratado 3,4 (III,1,4) — Refutação da opinião de causas incorporais (MacKenna)
4. Another theory: The Universe is permeated by one Soul, Cause of all things and events; every separate phenomenon as a member of a whole moves in its place with the general movement; all the various causes spring into action from one source: therefore, it is argued, the entire descending claim of causes and all…
Tratado 3,3 (III,1,3) — Refutação da opinião dos epicuristas (MacKenna)
3. “Atoms” or “elements” – it is in either case an absurdity, an impossibility, to hand over the universe and its contents to material entities, and out of the disorderly swirl thus occasioned to call order, reasoning, and the governing soul into being; but the atomic origin is, if we may use the phrase, the…