Categoria: Tratado 39 (VI,8)
MacKenna: Tratado 39,20 (VI,8,20) — Duas aporias relativas à auto-produção do Bem
Resumo em português 20. The difficulty will be raised that God would seem to have existed before thus coming into existence; if He makes Himself, then in regard to the self which He makes He is not yet in being and as maker He exists before this Himself thus made. The answer is that we…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,21 (VI,8,21) — O Bem é “inteiramente vontade”
Resumo em português 21. Could He then have made Himself otherwise than as He did? If He could we must deny Him the power to produce goodness for He certainly cannot produce evil. Power, There, is no producer of the inapt; it is that steadfast constant which is most decidedly power by inability to depart…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,8 (VI,8,8) — A impotência do discurso relativo ao Bem
8. But it is not, in our view, as an attribute that this freedom is present in the First. In the light of free acts, from which we eliminate the contraries, we recognise There self-determination, self-directed and, failing more suitable terms, we apply to it the lesser terms brought over from lesser things and so…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,13 (VI,8,13) – Início do discurso positivo a respeito do Bem
Resumo em português 13. Our enquiry obliges us to use terms not strictly applicable: we insist, once more, that not even for the purpose of forming the concept of the Supreme may we make it a duality; if now we do, it is merely for the sake of conveying conviction, at the cost of verbal…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,1 (VI,8,1) — Exposição do objeto da pesquisa e primeira aproximação “daquilo que depende de nós”
Resumo e tradução em português 1. Can there be question as to whether the gods have voluntary action? Or are we to take it that, while we may well enquire in the case of men with their combination of powerlessness and hesitating power, the gods must be declared omnipotent, not merely some things but all…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,2 (VI,8,2) — A qual faculdade da alma referenciar aquilo de que depende de nós?
Resumo e tradução em português 2. A cardinal question is where we are to place the freedom of action ascribed to us. It must be founded in impulse or in some appetite, as when we act or omit in lust or rage or upon some calculation of advantage accompanied by desire. But if rage or…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,3 (VI,8,3) — É no Intelecto que deve se situar a verdadeira liberdade
Resumo e tradução em português 3. All this calls for examination; the enquiry must bring us close to the solution as regards the gods. We have traced self-disposal to will, will to reasoning and, next step, to right reasoning; perhaps to right reasoning we must add knowledge, for however sound opinion and act may be…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,4 (VI,8,4) — Não é possível conceder a liberdade aos seres inteligíveis?
Resumo e tradução em português 4. It will be asked how act rising from desire can be voluntary, since desire pulls outward and implies need; to desire is still to be drawn, even though towards the good. Intellectual-Principle itself comes under the doubt; having a certain nature and acting by that nature can it be…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,5 (VI,8,5) — Que relação estabelecer entre virtude e liberdade?
Resumo e tradução em português 5. Are we, however, to make freedom and self-disposal exclusive to Intellectual-Principle as engaged in its characteristic Act, Intellectual-Principle unassociated, or do they belong also to soul acting under that guidance and performing act of virtue? If freedom is to be allowed to soul in its Act, it certainly cannot…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,6 (VI,8,6) — Sobre a relação virtude-liberdade
Resumo e tradução em português 6. How then did we come to place freedom in the will when we made out free action to be that produced – or as we also indicated, suppressed – at the dictate of will? If what we have been saying is true and our former statement is consistent with…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,7 (VI,8,7) — Introdução do “discurso temerário” e primeiros elementos de refutação
Resumo em português 7. Soul becomes free when it moves, through Intellectual-Principle, towards The Good; what it does in that spirit is its free act; Intellectual-Principle is free in its own right. That principle of Good is the sole object of desire and the source of self-disposal to the rest, to soul when it fully…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,10 (VI,8,10) — Sequência da refutação do advir acidental do Bem
Resumo em português 10. The upholder of Happening must be asked how this false happening can be supposed to have come about, taking it that it did, and haw the happening, then, is not universally prevalent. If there is to be a natural scheme at all, it must be admitted that this happening does not…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,9 (VI,8,9) — Sequência da refutação do advir acidental do Bem
Resumo em português 9. If we cannot but speak of Happening we must not halt at the word but look to the intention. And what is that? That the Supreme by possession of a certain nature and power is the Principle. Obviously if its nature were other it would be that other and if the…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,19 (VI,8,19) — Superioridade da contemplação direta do Bem
Resumo em português 19. Stirred to the Supreme by what has been told, a man must strive to possess it directly; then he too will see, though still unable to tell it as he would wish. One seeing That as it really is will lay aside all reasoning upon it and simply state it as…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,18 (VI,8,18) — Imagens e expressões que significam aquilo que é o Bem
Resumo em português 18. Seeking Him, seek nothing of Him outside; within is to be sought what follows upon Him; Himself do not attempt. He is, Himself, that outer, He the encompassment and measure of all things; or rather He is within, at the innermost depth; the outer, circling round Him, so to speak, and…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,17 (VI,8,17) — Sequência da refutação da existência “por azar” do Bem
Resumo em português 17. Or consider it another way: We hold the universe, with its content entire, to be as all would be if the design of the maker had so willed it, elaborating it with purpose and prevision by reasonings amounting to a Providence. All is always so and all is always so reproduced:…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,16 (VI,8,16) — Exposição dos atributos positivos do Bem
Resumo em português 16. We maintain, and it is evident truth, that the Supreme is everywhere and yet nowhere; keeping this constantly in mind let us see how it bears on our present enquiry. If God is nowhere, then not anywhere has He “happened to be”; as also everywhere, He is everywhere in entirety: at…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,15 (VI,8,15) — Movimento de ascensão espiritual
Resumo em português 15. Lovable, very love, the Supreme is also self-love in that He is lovely no otherwise than from Himself and in Himself. Self-presence can hold only in the identity of associated with associating; since, in the Supreme, associated and associating are one, seeker and sought one the sought serving as Hypostasis and…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,14 (VI,8,14) — Refutação da existência contingente do Bem
Resumo em português 14. Another approach: Everything to which existence may be attributed is either one with its essence or distinct from it. Thus any given man is distinct from essential man though belonging to the order Man: a soul and a soul’s essence are the same – that is, in case of soul pure…
MacKenna: Tratado 39,12 (VI,8,12) — Experiência da liberdade em nós
Resumo em português 12. Yet, is not God what He is? Can He, then, be master of being what He is or master to stand above Being? The mind utterly reluctant returns to its doubt: some further considerations, therefore, must be offered: In us the individual, viewed as body, is far from reality; by soul…