Categoria: Tratado 44 (VI,3)
Tratado 44,2 (VI,3,2) — Os gêneros do ser: questões de método (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 2. Our first observations must be directed to what passes in the Sensible realm for Substance. It is, we shall agree, only by analogy that the nature manifested in bodies is designated as Substance, and by no means because such terms as Substance or Being tally with the notion of bodies in…
Tratado 44,9 (VI,3,9) — Divisão da realidade sensível em espécies: Critérios (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 9. So much for one of the genera – the “Substance,” so called, of the Sensible realm. But what are we to posit as its species? how divide this genus? The genus as a whole must be identified with body. Bodies may be divided into the characteristically material and the organic: the…
Tratado 44,8 (VI,3,8) — A realidade sensível não é senão uma sombra da realidade inteligível (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 8. The division into elements must, in short, be abandoned, especially in regard to Sensible Substance, known necessarily by sense rather than by reason. We must no longer look for help in constituent parts, since such parts will not be substances, or at any rate not sensible substances. Our plan must be…
Tratado 44,7 (VI,3,7) — Análise aristotélica da realidade em forma, matéria e misto (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 7. But Matter, it may be contended, is the source of existence to the Sensible things implanted in it. From what source, then, we retort, does Matter itself derive existence and being? That Matter is not a Primary we have established elsewhere. If it be urged that other things can have no…
Tratado 44,6 (VI,3,6) — A realidade é o ser tomado absolutamente (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 6. Granted, it may be urged, that these observations upon the nature of Substance are sound, we have not yet arrived at a statement of its essence. Our critic doubtless expects to see this “Sensible”: but its essence, its characteristic being, cannot be seen. Do we infer that fire and water are…
Tratado 44,5 (VI,3,5) — Os caracteres mencionados são caracteres comuns (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 5. These are incontrovertible facts in regard to the pseudo-substance of the Sensible realm: if they apply also in some degree to the True Substance of the Intellectual, the coincidence is, doubtless, to be attributed to analogy and ambiguity of terms. We are aware that “the first” is so called only in…
Tratado 44,3 (VI,3,3) — Classificação das qualidades sensíveis… (Guthrie)
Resumo em português PHYSICAL CATEGORIES ARE MATTER, FORM, COMBINATION, ATTRIBUTES AND ACCIDENTS. 3. What classification shall we adopt? There is first matter, then form, and further the combination which results from their blending. Then we have a number of conceptions which refer to the three preceding classes, and are predicated of them; the first, simply,…
Tratado 44,3 (VI,3,3) — Classificação das qualidades sensíveis… (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 3. How then do we go to work? Let us begin by distinguishing Matter, Form, the Mixture of both, and the Attributes of the Mixture. The Attributes may be subdivided into those which are mere predicates, and those serving also as accidents. The accidents may be either inclusive or included; they may,…
Tratado 44,2 (VI,3,2) — Ser no Inteligível é geração no mundo dos sentidos (Guthrie)
Resumo em português WHAT IS BEING IN THE INTELLIGIBLE IS GENERATION IN THE SENSE-WORLD. 2. First let us consider what mundane name “Being” must be applied to. To begin with, it must be explained that physical nature can receive the name of “being” only as a figure of speech;1 or rather, should not receive it…
Tratado 44,11 (VI,3,11) — Pertencem à quantidade não o lugar e o tempo, mas o grande e o pequeno (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 11. Passing to Quantity and the quantum, we have to consider the view which identifies them with number and magnitude on the ground that everything quantitative is numbered among Sensible things or rated by the extension of its substrate: we are here, of course, discussing not Quantity in isolation, but that which…
Tratado 44,1 (VI,3,1) — Os gêneros do físico são diferentes daqueles do inteligível (Guthrie)
Resumo em português GENERA OF THE PHYSICAL ARE DIFFERENT FROM THOSE OF THE INTELLIGIBLE. 1. We have thus declared our views about (intelligible) Being, and shown how they agree with the doctrines of Plato. Now we have to study the “other nature” (the Being of the sense-world); and we shall have to consider whether it…
Tratado 44,1 (VI,3,1) — Os gêneros do ser: problema geral (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 1. We have now explained our conception of Reality (True Being) and considered how far it agrees with the teaching of Plato. We have still to investigate the opposed principle (the principle of Becoming). There is the possibility that the genera posited for the Intellectual sphere will suffice for the lower also;…
Tratado 44,21 (VI,3,21) — Movimento e Modificação (MacKenna)
Eneada-VI, 3, 21 21. The claim of Motion to be established as a genus will depend upon three conditions: first, that it cannot rightly be referred to any other genus; second, that nothing higher than itself can be predicated of it in respect of its essence; third, that by assuming differences it will produce species.…
Tratado 44,16 (VI,3,16) — O que ela a qualidade: uma “razão” (logos) (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 16. When each of the entities bound up with the pseudo-substance is taken apart from the rest, the name of Quality is given to that one among them, by which without pointing to essence or quantity or motion we signify the distinctive mark, the type or aspect of a thing – for…
Tratado 44 (VI, 3) – Das espécies de ser (3) (MacKenna)
The Sixth Ennead Third tractate. On the kinds of being (3). Resumo em português
Tratado 44,4 (VI,3,4) — Unidade da realidade sensível como gênero: o caráter comum (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 4. What, then, we have to ask, is the constant element in the first three entities? What is it that identifies them with their inherent Substance? Is it the capacity to serve as a base? But Matter, we maintain, serves as the base and seat of Form: Form, thus, will be excluded…
Tratado 44 (VI, 3) – DES GENRES DE L’ÊTRE III (Bouillet)
GENRES DE L’ÊTRE SENSIBLE (I) Il y a dans le monde sensible des genres de l’être analogues à ceux qui existent dans le monde intelligible. Pour les déterminer, il faut nettement séparer l’âme du corps. (II) A l’être véritable et intelligible correspond la nature corporelle, qui s’appelle aussi essence, mais qu’on doit proprement nommer génération,…
Tratado 44 (VI, 3) – As categorias de sentido próprias de Plotino
Plotin Traités 42-44. Traductions sous la direction de Luc Brisson e Jean-François Pradeau VIDE Tratado-42 e Tratado-43 dos quais este é continuação. A seguir versões em inglês, francês e espanhol do tratado. Para uma apresentação mais detalhada do tratado, por parágrafo ou capítulo, com comentários visite Eneada-VI-3.
Tratado 44,12 (VI,3,12) — O discurso pertence não à quantidade, mas ao movimento (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 12. It follows that we must allow contrariety to Quantity: whenever we speak of great and small, our notions acknowledge this contrariety by evolving opposite images, as also when we refer to many and few; indeed, “few” and “many” call for similar treatment to “small” and “great.” “Many,” predicated of the inhabitants…
Tratado 44 (VI,3) — As categorias dos sentidos próprias de Plotino (Guthrie)
SIXTH ENNEAD, BOOK THREE. Plotinos’s Own Sense-Categories. Resumo em português