Categoria: Tratado 44 (VI,3)
Tratado 44,28 (VI,3,28) — Conclusão (de Porfírio?) (MacKenna)
Eneada-VI, 3, 28 28. We have already indicated that Activity and Passivity are to be regarded as motions, and that it is possible to distinguish absolute motions, actions, passions. As for the remaining so-called genera, we have shown that they are reducible to those which we have posited. With regard to the relative, we have…
Tratado 44,27 (VI,3,27) — Repouso (MacKenna)
Eneada-VI-3-27 27. What view are we to take of that which is opposed to Motion, whether it be Stability or Rest? Are we to consider it as a distinct genus, or to refer it to one of the genera already established? We should, no doubt, be well advised to assign Stability to the Intellectual, and…
Tratado 44,26 (VI,3,26) — Critérios de divisão entre os movimentos (MacKenna)
Eneada-VI, 3, 26 26. We may now take the various specific types of Motion, such as locomotion, and once again enquire for each one whether it is not to be divided on the basis of direction, up, down, straight, circular – a question already raised; whether the organic motion should be distinguished from the inorganic…
Tratado 44,25 (VI,3,25) — As espécies de movimento: associação, dissolução e alteração (MacKenna)
Eneada-VI, 3, 25 25. The nature of integration and disintegrations calls for scrutiny. Are they different from the motions above mentioned, from coming-to-be and passing-away, from growth and decay, from change of place and from alteration? or must they be referred to these? or, again, must some of these be regarded as types of integration…
Tratado 44,24 (VI,3,24) — As espécies de movimento: movimento local (MacKenna)
Eneada-VI, 3, 24 24. With regard to locomotion: if ascending is to be held contrary to descending, and circular motion different (in kind) from motion in a straight line, we may ask how this difference is to be defined – the difference, for example, between throwing over the head and under the feet. The driving…
Tratado 44,23 (VI,3,23) — O que é o movimento? (MacKenna)
Eneada-VI, 3, 23 23. The Motion which acts upon Sensible objects enters from without, and so shakes, drives, rouses and thrusts its participants that they may neither rest nor preserve their identity – and all to the end that they may be caught into that restlessness, that flustering excitability which is but an image of…
Tratado 44,22 (VI,3,22) — O que é o movimento? (MacKenna)
Eneada-VI, 3, 22 22. But suppose that we identify alteration with Motion on the ground that Motion itself results in difference: how then do we proceed to define Motion? It may roughly be characterized as the passage from the potentiality to its realization. That is potential which can either pass into a Form – for…
Tratado 44,19 (VI,3,19) — A qualidade: novos problemas (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 19. With Quality we have undertaken to group the dependent qualia, in so far as Quality is bound up with them; we shall not however introduce into this category the qualified objects (qua objects), that we may not be dealing with two categories at once; we shall pass over the objects to…
Tratado 44,10 (VI,3,10) — Divisão da realidade sensível em espécies: novos critérios (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 10. Another method of division is possible: substances may be classed as hot-dry, dry-cold, cold-moist, or however we choose to make the coupling. We may then proceed to the combination and blending of these couples, either halting at that point and going no further than the compound, or else subdividing by habitation…
Tratado 44,13 (VI,3,13) — Sobre o número (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 13. It has been remarked that the continuous is effectually distinguished from the discrete by their possessing the one a common, the other a separate, limit. The same principle gives rise to the numerical distinction between odd and even; and it holds good that if there are differentiae found in both contraries,…
Tratado 44,14 (VI,3,14) — Sobre a figura (MacKenna)
Eneada-VI-3-14|Resumo em português 14. How are we to classify the straight line? Shall we deny that it is a magnitude? The suggestion may be made that it is a qualified magnitude. May we not, then, consider straightness as a differentia of “line”? We at any rate draw on Quality for differentiae of Substance. The straight…
Tratado 44,17 (VI,3,17) — Quais divisões introduzir na qualidade sensível? (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 17. This procedure, if approved, will entail a distinction between psychic and bodily qualities, the latter belonging specifically to body. If we decide to refer all souls to the higher, we are still at liberty to perform for Sensible qualities a division founded upon the senses themselves – the eyes, the ears,…
Tratado 44,20 (VI,3,20) — Certas qualidades não têm contrário (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 20. We have to ascertain whether there is not to every quality a contrary. In the case of virtue and vice, even the mean appears to be contrary to the extremes. But when we turn to colours, we do not find the intermediates so related. If we regard the intermediates as blendings…
Tratado 44,18 (VI,3,18) — Quais divisões introduzir na qualidade sensível? (MacKenna)
18. These problems at any rate all serve to show that, while in general it is necessary to look for differences by which to separate things from each other, to hunt for differences of the differences themselves is both futile and irrational. We cannot have substances of substances, quantities of quantities, qualities of qualities, differences…
Tratado 44,15 (VI,3,15) — O igual e o desigual são o próprio da quantidade (MacKenna)
Resumo em português 15. How far is it true that equality and inequality are characteristic of Quantity? Triangles, it is significant, are said to be similar rather than equal. But we also refer to magnitudes as similar, and the accepted connotation of similarity does not exclude similarity or dissimilarity in Quantity. It may, of course,…
Plotino – Tratado 44,28 (VI, 3, 28) — Conclusão (de Porfírio?)
28 Ya hemos dicho que la acción y la pasión deben ser calificadas de movimientos; que es posible dividir los movimientos en absolutos, acciones y pasiones; que los otros géneros mencionados son reductibles a los anteriores; que lo relativo consiste en la relación de una cosa a otra y que ambos correlativos coexisten simultáneamente. Cuando…
Plotino – Tratado 44,27 (VI, 3, 27) — Repouso
27 Sobre la estabilidad, que se contrapone al movimiento, o mejor, sobre el reposo ¿qué hay que decir? ¿Hay que considerarlo como un nuevo género o hay que reducirlo a alguno de los mencionados? Pero quizá sea mejor reservar la estabilidad para los Seres inteligibles y estudiar en los de acá el reposo. Lo primero…
Plotino – Tratado 44,26 (VI, 3, 26) — Critérios de divisão entre os movimentos
26 Hay que examinar, pues, estos problemas, y volviendo a las especies de movimiento mencionadas, hay que estudiar ya, por ejemplo en el movimiento local, el problema ya planteado de si no se dividirá en movimiento hacia arriba, hacia abajo, rectilíneo y circular; o bien en movimiento de seres animados e inanimados —pues el de…
Plotino – Tratado 44,25 (VI, 3, 25) — As espécies de movimento: associação, dissolução e alteração
25 Pasemos a examinar que son la combinación y la disolución. ¿Son movimientos distintos de los mencionados: generación y corrupción, crecimiento y disminución, cambio de lugar y alteración? ¿O hay que reducirlas a éstos? ¿O algunos de éstos hay que considerarlos combinaciones y disoluciones? Pues bien, si la combinación lleva consigo un encaminamiento y acercamiento…
Plotino – Tratado 44,24 (VI, 3, 24) — As espécies de movimento: movimento local
24 Pasando al movimiento local, si moverse hacia arriba es contrario a moverse hacia abajo y moverse circularmente es distinto de moverse rectilíneamente, ¿en qué está la diferencia? ¿Qué diferencia hay, por ejemplo, entre arrojar una piedra por encima de la cabeza y arrojarla a los pies? Porque la fuerza impulsora es la misma. A…