Categoria: Proclo

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XXII

    But in the Philebus, Plato delivers to us the three most principal elements of the good, viz. the desirable, the sufficient, and the perfect. For it is necessary that it should convert all things to itself, and fill all things, and that it should be in no respect deficient, and should not diminish its exuberance.…

  • Hino comum aos deuses

    Himno común a los dioses Traducción: Josep Soler Oídme, oh Dioses, vosotros que gobernáis el timón De la sagrada sabiduría, y que, encendiendo en las Ánimas de los hombres la llama del deseo del retorno, Las atraéis hacia los Inmortales, dándoles, Por las indecibles iniciaciones de los himnos, El poder de evadirse de la oscura…

  • Proclus: Teologia de Platão I-II

    And thus much by way of preface. But it is necessary that I should unfold the mode of the proposed doctrine, what it is requisite to expect it will be, and define the preparatives which a hearer of it ought to possess; that being properly adapted, he may approach, not to our discourses, but to…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XIX

    In the next place, let us consider what power the simplicity of the Gods possesses; for this Socrates adds in his discourse concerning a divine nature, not admitting that which is various, and multiform, and which appears different at different times, but referring to divinity the unifonn and the simple. Each of the divinities therefore,…

  • Proclus: l’unité

    Il faut élever cette fine pointe de l’âme, selon laquelle nous sommes unité. Nous participons au Premier, duquel dérive pour toutes choses l’unification, selon l’unité et pour ainsi dire la fleur de notre essence, grâce à laquelle nous nous attachons principalement au Divin. Partout, en effet, ‘c’est par le semblable qu’est appréhendé le semblable’, les…

  • Proclus: Teologia de Platão I-I

    O PERICLES, to me the dearest of friends, I am of opinion that the whole philosophy of Plato was at first unfolded into light through the beneficent will of superior natures, exhibiting the intellect concealed in them, and the truth subsisting, together with beings, to souls conversant with generation (so far as it is lawful…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XVI

    Again, from another principle we may be able to apprehend the theological demonstrations in the Republic. For these are common to all the divine orders, similarly extend to all the discussion about the Gods, and unfold to us truth in uninterrupted connection with what has been before said. In the second book of the Republic…

  • Fraile: Proclo

    (Excertos de Guillermo Fraile, História da Filosofia) PROCLO (h.410-485).—Nació en Bizancio, de padres originarios de Xanthos, en Licia. Estudió en Alejandría con el sofista Leonas, con el gramático Arión y el matemático Herón. Olimpiodoro el Viejo lo inició en el aristotelismo. A los veinte años llegó a Atenas, donde fue discípulo de Plutarco y de…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-III

    All, therefore, that have ever touched upon theology, have called things first, according to nature, Gods; and have said that the theological science is conversant about these. And some, indeed, have considered a corporeal essence, as that alone which has any existence, and have placed in a secondary rank with respect to essence, all the…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XIII

    In the first place, therefore, we shall assume the things which are demonstrated in the Laws, and contemplate how they take the lead, with respect to the truth about the Gods, and are the most ancient of all the other mystic conceptions about a divine nature. Three things, therefore, are asserted by Plato in these…