Categoria: Proclo

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XXI

    To us however discussing what pertains to every divine nature, what we assert will be known from those commonly received truths adduced in the Phaedrus, and which we have before mentioned. Socrates therefore says that everything divine is beautiful, wise, and good, and he indicates that this triad pervades to all the progressions of the…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XXIII

    After this, wisdom is allotted the second order, being the intelligence of the Gods, or rather the hyparxis of their intelligence. For intelligence indeed, is intellectual knowledge; but the wisdom of the Gods is ineffable knowledge, which is united to the object of knowledge and the intelligible union of the Gods. But it appears to…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XVIII

    In the next place, let us survey the immutability and simplicity of the Gods, what the nature of each of them is, and how both these appear to be adapted to the hyparxis of the Gods, according to the narration of Plato. The Gods therefore are exempt from the whole of things. But filling these,…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XX

    In the next place, let us speak concerning the truth which is in the Gods; for this in addition to what has been said is concluded by Socrates, because a divine nature is without falsehood, and is neither the cause of deception or ignorance to us or to any other beings. We must understand therefore,…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XV

    The third problem after these we shall connect with the former, and survey how we are to assume the unpervertible in the Gods, who perform all things according to justice, and who do not in the smallest degree subvert its boundary, or its undeviating rectitude, in their providential attention to all other things, and in…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XVII

    That, therefore, which has the hyparxis of itself, and the whole of its essence defined in the good, and which by its very being produces all things, must necessarily be productive of every good, but of no evil. For if there was anything primarily good, which is not God, perhaps someone might say that divinity…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XII

    As the first hypothesis, however; demonstrates by negations the ineffable supereminence of the first principle of things, and evinces that he is exempt from all essence and knowledge, -it is evident that the hypothesis after this as being proximate to it, must unfold the whole order of the Gods. For Parmenides does not alone assume…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XIV

    From what has been said, therefore, it is evident to everyone, that the Gods being the causes of all motion, some of them are essential and vivific, according to a self-motive, self-vital, and self-energetic power. But others of them are intellectual, and excite by their very being all secondary natures to the perfection of life,…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-V

    As we have therefore enumerated all these modes of the Platonic theology, and have shown what compositions and analyses of fables are adapted to the truth respecting the Gods, let us consider, in the next place, whence, and from what dialogs principally, we think the dogmas of Plato concerning the Gods may be collected, and…

  • Fraile: Proclo — Ética

    La moralidad consiste en el proceso ascendente del alma, que va subiendo a través de la práctica de las virtudes, hasta llegar a la unión con el Uno. Proclo multiplica los grados plotinianos de la virtud. Hay virtudes físicas, éticas, políticas o sociales, todas las cuales no trascienden el orden de lo corpóreo; otras son…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XI

    Again, therefore, let us discuss this affair in another way, and view with the dianoetic power, where anything futile is delivered. For let it be said, if you please, and we will first of all allow it, that the conclusions of this second hypothesis are about true being. But as this is multitude, and not…


    Héritier de la philosophie grecque tout entière, et devenu maître, par un travail opiniâtre, de tout son héritage, Proclus a légué à son siècle et aux âges suivants une doctrine complète et arrêtée, qui est en même temps le dernier mot du platonisme, et un immense répertoire des opinions de tous les philosophes. Comparer son…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XXVIII

    Looking to these things, therefore, we may unfold what is said of paternal causes, and of the prolific powers of mothers in fables. For everywhere, we may suppose that the cause of a more excellent and more uniform nature is paternal; but we may say that the cause of a more subordinate and partial nature…

  • Proclus

    Proclus ou Proclo (412 – 487) Herdeiro da filosofia grega passada, e tendo se tornado mestre, por um trabalho crítico de toda sua herança, Proclus legou para seu século e os seguintes uma doutrina completa e acabada, que é ao mesmo tempo a última palavra do platonismo, e um imenso repertório das opiniões de todos…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XXV

    What therefore is it which unites us to the good? What is it which causes in us a cessation of energy and motion? What is it which establishes all divine natures in the first and ineffable unity of goodness? And how does it come to pass that everything being established in that which is prior…

  • Hino comum aos deuses

    Himno común a los dioses Traducción: Josep Soler Oídme, oh Dioses, vosotros que gobernáis el timón De la sagrada sabiduría, y que, encendiendo en las Ánimas de los hombres la llama del deseo del retorno, Las atraéis hacia los Inmortales, dándoles, Por las indecibles iniciaciones de los himnos, El poder de evadirse de la oscura…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XXII

    But in the Philebus, Plato delivers to us the three most principal elements of the good, viz. the desirable, the sufficient, and the perfect. For it is necessary that it should convert all things to itself, and fill all things, and that it should be in no respect deficient, and should not diminish its exuberance.…

  • Proclus: l’unité

    Il faut élever cette fine pointe de l’âme, selon laquelle nous sommes unité. Nous participons au Premier, duquel dérive pour toutes choses l’unification, selon l’unité et pour ainsi dire la fleur de notre essence, grâce à laquelle nous nous attachons principalement au Divin. Partout, en effet, ‘c’est par le semblable qu’est appréhendé le semblable’, les…

  • Proclus: Teologia de Platão I-II

    And thus much by way of preface. But it is necessary that I should unfold the mode of the proposed doctrine, what it is requisite to expect it will be, and define the preparatives which a hearer of it ought to possess; that being properly adapted, he may approach, not to our discourses, but to…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XIX

    In the next place, let us consider what power the simplicity of the Gods possesses; for this Socrates adds in his discourse concerning a divine nature, not admitting that which is various, and multiform, and which appears different at different times, but referring to divinity the unifonn and the simple. Each of the divinities therefore,…