Categoria: Proclo

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-IX

    In the first place then, let us consider those, who draw down the design of this dialogue from the truth of things to a logical exercise, and see whether they can possibly accord with the writings of Plato. It is therefore evident to every one, that Parmenides proposes to himself to deliver in reality the…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-VIII

    I appear, however, by these means, to have excited for myself a two-fold contest against those who attempt to investigate the writings of Plato; and I see two sorts of persons, who will oppose what has been said. One of these does not think proper to explore any other design in the Parmenides, than exercise…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-VII

    I, however, to an objection of this kind, shall make a just and perspicuous reply. I say then, that Plato everywhere discourses about the Gods agreeably to ancient rumor, and to the nature of things. And sometimes indeed, for the sake of the cause of the things proposed, he reduces them to the principles of…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-VI

    Perhaps, however, someone may here object to us, that we do not in a proper manner exhibit the everywhere dispersed theology of Plato, and that we endeavor to heap together different particulars from different dialogues, as if we were studious of collecting together many things into one mixture, instead of deriving them all from one…

  • Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-V

    As we have therefore enumerated all these modes of the Platonic theology, and have shown what compositions and analyses of fables are adapted to the truth respecting the Gods, let us consider, in the next place, whence, and from what dialogs principally, we think the dogmas of Plato concerning the Gods may be collected, and…

  • Proclus: Teologia de Platão I-II

    And thus much by way of preface. But it is necessary that I should unfold the mode of the proposed doctrine, what it is requisite to expect it will be, and define the preparatives which a hearer of it ought to possess; that being properly adapted, he may approach, not to our discourses, but to…

  • Proclus: Teologia de Platão I-I

    O PERICLES, to me the dearest of friends, I am of opinion that the whole philosophy of Plato was at first unfolded into light through the beneficent will of superior natures, exhibiting the intellect concealed in them, and the truth subsisting, together with beings, to souls conversant with generation (so far as it is lawful…

  • schema

    gr. schéma ou skhêma (tó): aparência, forma, figura. Em lógica: designa as diferentes figuras de silogismos (Aristóteles, Anal. Pr., 1,23-24). Form (eidos), shape (morphê) and figure (skhêma), according to Proclus, are distinguished by degree of universality. The eidos is most universal and, at its pinnacle in the third intelligible monad, exists prior to shape. As…

  • Proclus: l’unité

    Il faut élever cette fine pointe de l’âme, selon laquelle nous sommes unité. Nous participons au Premier, duquel dérive pour toutes choses l’unification, selon l’unité et pour ainsi dire la fleur de notre essence, grâce à laquelle nous nous attachons principalement au Divin. Partout, en effet, ‘c’est par le semblable qu’est appréhendé le semblable’, les…

  • Proclo: sereias

    O divino Platão sabia que há três tipos de sereias: a celestial, que está sob o governo de Júpiter; a que produz a geração, e está sob o governo de Netuno; e a que é catártica, e está sob o governo de Plutão. É comum a todas elas inclinar todas as coisas por meio de…