Categoria: R. B. Onians

  • hemar

    Excertos de R.B. Onians, THE ORIGINS OF EUROPEAN THOUGHT: ABOUT THE BODY, THE MIND, THE SOUL, THE WORLD, TIME AND FATE No pensamento europeu moderno prevaleceu a concepção de tempo como um meio homogêneo análogo ao espaço vazio. Bergson e Einstein, de diferentes ângulos, ajudaram a destronar esse conceito. Para os gregos homéricos o tempo…

  • Onians: A Grécia Antiga

    Basic to modern European thought are Greek philosophy and science. It is usual to begin their study with Thales, Anaximander, and their successors in the sixth century B.C. , not the roots but the lowest surviving branches of a far mightier tree. Through the centuries behind stretches the parent stem, the thought of the race,…