Categoria: Stephen MacKenna
MacKenna: Tratado 27,31 (IV,3,31) — Isto que se lembram as almas; a sua saída do corpo (2)
32. But the memory of friends, children, wife? Country too, and all that the better sort of man may reasonably remember? All these, the one (the lower man) retains with emotion, the authentic man passively: for the experience, certainly, was first felt in that lower phase from which, however, the best of such impressions pass…
MacKenna: Tratado 27,31 (IV,3,31) — Isto que se lembram as almas; a sua saída do corpo (1)
31. But if each of the two phases of the soul, as we have said, possesses memory, and memory is vested in the imaging faculty, there must be two such faculties. Now that is all very well as long as the two souls stand apart; but, when they are at one in us, what becomes…
MacKenna: Tratado 27,30 (IV,3,30) — A memória depende da faculdade representativa (3)
30. But what of the memory of mental acts: do these also fall under the imaging faculty? If every mental act is accompanied by an image we may well believe that this image, fixed and like a picture of the thought, would explain how we remember the object of knowledge once entertained. But if there…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,13 (IV,4,13) — Zeus enquanto alma do mundo (4)
13. But what is the difference between the Wisdom thus conducting the universe and the principle known as Nature? This Wisdom is a first (within the All-Soul) while Nature is a last: for Nature is an image of that Wisdom, and, as a last in the soul, possesses only the last of the Reason-Principle: we…
Animal – Animado
Animado zoon = animal The last phase of the Soul, the Unreasoning-Soul, is the Principle of Animal-Life: it constitutes, in conjunction with the body, the Animal as distinct from the Man; here for reasons of emotional connotation or clearness this phase of the soul conjoined with the body has been said to produce not ‘The…
gr. noeton = capaz de ser compreendido pelo intelecto; o objeto do intelecto, o inteligível (contrário de aistheton = o sensível). Contrariamente a Platão, os inteligíveis encontram-se no Intelecto e não num mundo à parte. E mais. Há perfeita coincidência entre o Noûs e o inteligível (Cf. En. VI, 7, 3,21-22), entre o ato de…
(…) The All-Soul is the mobile cause of movement as well as of Form: more directly than the two superior or ‘earlier’ Hypostases of the Divine-Triad it is the eternal cause of the existence, eternal existence, of the COSMOS, or ‘WORLD’, or material or sense-grasped Universe, which is the Soul’s Act and emanation, image and…
The Ideas, or Divine-Thoughts, are Real-Beings, Intelligences, Powers: they are the eternal Originals, Archetypes, Intellectual-Forms of all that exists in the lower spheres. In certain aspects this sphere of the Intelligibles would be best named The Spiritual Universe: Caird agrees with Whittaker in finding it closely like Dante’s conception of the circle of angels and…
His Way is indicated in many sumptuous passages of the Enneads – it is coldly charted for him in the tractate on Dialectic, I.3. The Term is more richly described in the famous sixth tract of the same First Ennead: the main need, the cry, of man’s nature is to become actually, as he is…
Alto, Acima, Em cima, Lá em cima
‘THERE’ – ‘IN THE SUPREME’ – ‘IN THE BEYOND’ and other similar words or phrases translate at convenience the word ekei used by Plotinus for the Divine Sphere, the Intelligible World. (Stephen MacKenna) Designação neutra às vezes dada ao Uno ou Bem, ekeino (O que está lá), segundo um imaginário “vertical” Céu-Terra; ekei é sempre…
O termo daimon foi traduzido de diversas maneiras: “espírito” (Armstrong). “espírito celeste” (MacKenna). “demônio” (Faggin e Igal) e ainda outros por “gênio”. Sommerman prefere não traduzi-lo, mas transliterá-lo, pois traduzi-lo por “espírito” lhe parece reduzir um pouco a abrangência do termo conforme definido no Tratado 15 (neste caso “gênio” seria melhor) e traduzi-lo por “demônio”…
La procesión descendente de los seres.—El sistema plotiniano tiene dos partes, o dos aspectos. El primero, descendente (proodos = procesión), en el cual se describe el origen de todos los seres, que brotan del Uno mediante un proceso emanativo. El segundo, ascendente (epistrophe), que consiste en el retorno de la multiplicidad a la unidad mediante…
All ‘Nature’, even in the lowest, is in ceaseless Contemplation and Aspiration: while every being, until the ultimate possible is reached, tends to engender an image of itself, it tends also to rejoin the next highest, of which it is itself a shadow or lower manifestation: even Matter, all but outcast from the sphere of…
Bem e Mal
Em sua famosa polêmica antignóstica, Plotino revigorou a convicção acerca da positividade do mundo físico. Paradoxalmente, ele afirma que a matéria é o mal. O que significa isto? Significa que, depois dela, não é possível outra coisa1. Talvez mais claramente: em oposição ao Bem (Primeiro Princípio), do qual todos os entes dependem e que todos…
PHILOSOPHY in Plotinus often means not Metaphysics but the Act or State of the Uniate: it might, often, without much fault of tone, be taken as the equivalent of 1, Sanctity, and 2, the Mystic Way. (Stephen MacKenna)
Aparentemente MacKenna esperava que a inicial maiúscula ‘R’ distinguiria o uso grego clássico do termo razão como dianoia do uso contemporâneo comum que o iguala com o mero exercício da lógica, raciocínio.
The existence, or half-existence, of Matter brings about the necessity of morality. The Divine perfection is above morality, is ‘unmoral’; the purely material is below morality; morality is for man; man – being divine at his topmost pitch and ‘human’ at the mean, and brute below that and merely vegetative below that and merely Matter…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,10 (IV,4,10) — Zeus enquanto alma do mundo (1)
10. The ordering principle is twofold; there is the principle known to us as the Demiurge and there is the Soul of the All; we apply the appellation “Zeus” sometimes to the Demiurge and sometimes to the principle conducting the universe. When under the name of Zeus we are considering the Demiurge we must leave…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,2 (IV,4,2) — A memória em sua relação à união da alma e do corpo (2)
2. Enough on that point: we come now to the question of memory of the personality? There will not even be memory of the personality; no thought that the contemplator is the self – Socrates, for example – or that it is Intellect or Soul. In this connection it should be borne in mind that,…
MacKenna: Tratado 28,27 (IV,4,27) — A terra tem um poder vegetativo, um poder sensitivo e um intelecto
27. If the earth transmits the generative soul to growing things – or retains it while allowing a vestige of it to constitute the vegetal principle in them – at once the earth is ensouled, as our flesh is, and any generative power possessed by the plant world is of its bestowing: this phase of…