Categoria: Cármides
Chambry: Charmide (172c-175a)
XX. — Peut-être, repris-je ; mais peut-être aussi avons-nous fait une recherche totalement inutile. Ce qui me le fait croire, ce sont certaines conséquences qui m’apparaissent et qui seraient bien étranges, si la sagesse est ce que nous avons dit. Examinons-les, si tu veux. Supposons qu’il puisse exister une science de la science, et, ce…
Chambry: Charmide (162b-172c)
— Qu’est-ce donc que cela pourrait bien être, de faire ses propres affaires ? Pourrais-tu le dire ? — Moi, dit-il. Je n’en sais rien, par Zeus, mais il est bien possible que même celui qui l’a dit n’ait pas su ce qu’il voulait dire. » Et tout en disant cela, il riait malicieusement et…
Chambry: Charmide (159b-162b)
[159b] Il hésita d’abord, peu disposé à répondre. Il finit cependant par dire qu’à son avis la sagesse consistait à faire toutes choses avec modération et avec calme, qu’il s’agît de marcher dans les rues, de converser ou de toute autre chose. « Il me semble, dit-il, qu’en somme ce que tu me demandes est…
Chambry: Charmide (153a-159a)
[153a] SOCRATE: I. — J’étais revenu la veille au soir de l’armée de Potidée1, et, comme j’arrivais après une longue absence, je pris plaisir à revoir les endroits que j’avais l’habitude de fréquenter, entre autres la palestre de Tauréas2, en face du sanctuaire de Basilè3. J’entrai et j’y trouvai beaucoup de gens, les uns inconnus,…
Jowett: Charmides 175a-177d — Epílogo
You see then, Critias, that I was not far wrong in fearing that I could have no sound notion about wisdom ; I was quite right in depreciating myself ; for that which is admitted to be the best of all things would never have seemed to us useless, if I had been good for…
Jowett: Charmides 172c-175a — A ciência do bem e do mal
That is very likely, I said ; and very likely, too, we have been enquiring to no purpose ; as I am led to infer, because I observe that if this is wisdom, some strange consequences would follow. Let us, if you please, assume the possibility of this science of sciences, and further admit and…
Jowett: Charmides 166b-172c — A Sabedoria é o conhecimento dos outros conhecimentos e dela mesma
Now, I want to know, what is that which is not wisdom, and of which wisdom is the science ? You are just falling into the old error, Socrates, he said. You come asking in what wisdom or temperance differs from the other sciences, and then you try to discover some respect in which they…
Jowett: Charmides 164c-166b — Conhecer-se a si mesmo
But that, Socrates, he said, is impossible ; and therefore if this is, as you imply, the necessary consequence of any of my previous admissions, I will withdraw them, rather than admit that a man can be temperate or wise who does not know himself ; and I am not ashamed to confess that I…
Jowett: Charmides 162b-172c — Crítias entra no debate da definição da Temperança
And what is the meaning of a man doing his own business ? Can you tell me ? Indeed, I cannot ; and I should not wonder if the man himself who used this phrase did not understand what he was saying. Whereupon he laughed slyly, and looked at Critias. Critias had long been showing…
Jowett: Charmides 159b-162b — Definições da Temperança
At first he hesitated, and was very unwilling to answer : then he said that he thought temperance was doing things orderly and quietly, such things for example as walking in the streets, and talking, or anything else of that nature. In a word, he said, I should answer that, in my opinion, temperance is…