Categoria: Cartas
Platão (Carta VII) – capacidade de discorrer sobre um assunto sério
Há pelo menos uma coisa que posso dizer sobre aqueles que escreveram ou escreverão e afirmam ter competência nos assuntos de que trato, quer afirmem ter sido instruídos neles por mim ou por outra pessoa, quer os tenham encontrado por si próprios: é que é impossível, pelo menos na minha opinião, que saibam alguma coisa…
Platão (Carta VIII) – Servidão e liberdade
Voici donc ce que cette fois encore mon discours recommande à tous : à ceux qui convoitent la tyrannie, de s’en détourner et de fuir d’une fuite éperdue ce que considèrent comme un objet de bonheur les hommes dont l’avidité est insatiable et qui sont insensés, de s’efforcer au contraire de se métamorphoser en roi…
Letter VII 345c-352a — Última estadia na Sicília
How he dishonoured him, I will now state. Up to this time he had allowed Dion to remain in possession of his property and to receive the income from it. But not long after the foregoing events, as if he had entirely forgotten his letter to that effect, he no longer allowed Dion’s trustees to…
Letter VII 341b-345c — Filosofia quer ser vivida, não escrita
I hear also that he has since written about what he heard from me, composing what professes to be his own handbook, very different, so he says, from the doctrines which he heard from me ; but of its contents I know nothing ; I know indeed that others have written on the same subjects…
Letter VII 337e-341b — Terceira estada em Siracusa
Let this be the end of my advice and injunction and of the narrative of my first visit to Dionysios. Whoever wishes may next hear of my second journey and voyage, and learn that it was a reasonable and suitable proceeding. My first period of residence in Sicily was occupied in the way which I…
Letter VII 333a-337e — Fatos e conselhos
This was the language and these the exhortations given by us, the conspirators against Dionysios according to the charges circulated from various sources — charges which, prevailing as they did with Dionysios, caused the expulsion of Dion and reduced me to a state of apprehension. But when — to summarise great events which happened in…
Letter VII 330b-333a — Atitude do sábio diante de um mau governo
The time of my first visit to Sicily and my stay there was taken up with all these incidents. On a later occasion I left home and again came on an urgent summons from Dionysios. But before giving the motives and particulars of my conduct then and showing how suitable and right it was, I…
Letter VII 328c-330b — Segunda estada em Siracusa
With these views and thus nerved to the task, I sailed from home, in the spirit which some imagined, but principally through a feeling of shame with regard to myself, lest I might some day appear to myself wholly and solely a mere man of words, one who would never of his own will lay…
Letter VII 326b-328c — Primeira estada em Siracusa
With these thoughts in my mind I came to Italy and Sicily on my first visit. My first impressions on arrival were those of strong disapproval — disapproval of the kind of life which was there called the life of happiness, stuffed full as it was with the banquets of the Italian Greeks and Syracusans,…
Letter VII 323c-326b — Gênese das concepções políticas de Platão
[7.323d] Plato to Dion’s associates and friends wishes well-doing. You wrote to me that I ought to consider that your policy was the same as that which Dion had ; and moreover you charged me to support it, so far as I can, both by deed and word. Now if you really hold the same…