Categoria: Eutidemo

  • Jowett: Euthydemus 298b-300d — Ctesipo retoma a cena

    Ctesippus, here taking up the argument, said : And is not your father in the same case, for he is other than my father ? Assuredly not, said Euthydemus. Then he is the same ? He is the same. I cannot say that I like the connection ; but is he only my father, Euthydemus, or is he the…

  • Jowett: Euthydemus 275b-277c — Conversa dos sofistas com Clinias

    These were pretty nearly the expressions which I used ; and Euthydemus, in a manly and at the same time encouraging tone, replied : There can be no objection, Socrates, if the young man is only willing to answer questions. He is quite accustomed to do so, I replied ; for his friends often come and ask him…

  • ETD 282a-282e: A sabedoria é ensinável

    [282a] —Pasemos entonces ahora — dije— a considerar lo que aún nos resta examinar. Puesto que por un lado deseamos todos ser felices1 —y se ha visto que llegamos a serlo a partir del uso de las cosas, o, mejor aún, del buen uso de ellas—, y que, por otro lado, era el conocimiento el…

  • Jowett: Euthydemus 304b-307c — Epílogo

    Such was the discussion, Crito ; and after a few more words had passed between us we went away. I hope that you will come to them with me, since they say that they are able to teach any one who will give them money ; no age or want of capacity is an impediment. And I…

  • Jowett: Euthydemus 277d-282e — Sócrates caracteriza o método dos sois sofistas

    Euthydemus was proceeding to give the youth a third fall ; but I knew that he was in deep water, and therefore, as I wanted to give him a respite lest he should be disheartened, I said to him consolingly : You must not be surprised, Cleinias, at the singularity of their mode of speech : this I…

  • ETD 283e-284e: A intervenção de Ctesipo

    [e] Al oír esto, se indignó Ctesipo por su amado y exclamó: —Extranjero de Turios, si decirlo no fuera más bien una grosería, te replicaría: «¡ojalá que te sucediera a ti!», ya que se te ha ocurrido proferir de mí y los demás semejante mentira —que yo querría que él estuviese muerto—, y cuyo solo…

  • Jowett: Eutidemo

    EUTHYDEMUS Persons of the Dialogue : SOCRATES, who is the narrator ; CRITO ; CLEINIAS ; EUTHYDEMUS ; DIONYSODORUS ; CTESIPPUS. Scene : The Lyceum The Euthydemus, though apt to be regarded by us only as an elaborate jest, has also a very serious purpose. It may fairly claim to be the oldest treatise on…

  • Jowett: Euthydemus 285a-288b — Sócrates acalma os espíritos

    I saw that they were getting exasperated with one another, so I made a joke with him and said : O Ctesippus, I think that we must allow the strangers to use language in their own way, and not quarrel with them about words, but be thankful for what they give us. If they know how…

  • ETD 285a-287e: Sócrates acalma os espíritos

    — ¡Por Zeus!, Dionisodoro, que yo precisamente no —dijo—, porque te estimo; pero te aconsejo, como ca-marada, e intento persuadirte, que jamás digas tan groseramente en mi presencia que quiero la muerte de aquellos que más aprecio. [285a] Como me parecieron bastante irritados el uno con el otro, comencé yo a bromear con Ctesipo y…

  • Estrutura do Eutidemo

    Estructura del diálogo La obra presenta con toda nitidez diversos momentos o secciones que pueden disponerse de la siguiente manera: 1. PRÓLOGO (271a-275c) Diálogo inicial entre CRITÓN y SÓCRATES. II. DESARROLLO (275c-3046) 1. Relato del primer diálogo con los sofistas (275c-277c). Interlocutores: EUTIDEMO, DIONISODORO, CLINIAS ySÓCRATES. 2. Relato de la primera exhortación socrática (277d-282e). Interlocutores:…