Categoria: Hípias Maior
Jowett: HPM 289d-291c: Segunda tentativa de definição da beleza
in Hípias MaiorHippias : Well, certainly, Socrates, if that is what he is looking for, nothing is easier than to answer and tell him what the beautiful is, by which all other things are adorned and by the addition of which they are made to appear beautiful. (289e) So the fellow is very simple-minded and knows nothing…
HPM 296e-297e: Causa e efeito
in Hípias MaiorSóc. – Pero esto es lo provechoso. ¿No es verdad? Hip. -Sin duda. Sóc. – Así, también, los cuerpos bellos y la sabiduría bella y todas las cosas que ahora decíamos son bellas porque son provechosas. Hip. – Es evidente. Sóc. – Luego nosotros pensamos, Hipias, que lo provechoso es lo bello. Hip. – Completamente,…
HPM 297e-300c: Quinta tentativa de difinição da beleza
in Hípias MaiorSóc. -Me parece que yo, por el deseo de conocerlo, no soy capaz de esperar a que reflexiones. Incluso creo que acabo de encontrar una salida. Mira a ver. Si decimos que es bello lo que nos produce satisfacción, no todos los placeres, sino los producidos por el oído y la vista, ¿cómo saldríamos adelante?…
HPM 300c-303d: Atribuição coletiva e atribuição parcial
in Hípias MaiorSóc. -Muy bien, Hipias. Sin embargo, yo tengo la idea de que me parece ver algo así como lo que tú dices que es imposible, pero no llego a verlo. Hip. -No tienes la idea, Sócrates, sino que ciertamente se te va la vista. Sóc. -No obstante, se aparecen ante mi mente muchas imágenes de…
HPM 303d-304e: Epílogo
in Hípias MaiorSóc. – «Repetidlo, dirá nuestro hombre, desde el principio, puesto que perdisteis el camino. ¿Qué decís que es lo bello propio de estos dos placeres, aquello por lo que dándoles preferencia sobre los otros placeres les disteis el nombre de bellos?» Me parece, Hipias, que es necesario decir que porque éstos son los placeres más…
Jowett: HPM 282b-284e: A indústria dos sofistas
in Hípias Maior(282b) Socrates : Yours, Hippias, is a most excellent way, at any rate, of speaking about them and of thinking, it seems to me and I can bear you witness that you speak the truth, and that your art really has progressed in the direction of ability to carry on public together with private affairs.…
Jowett: HPM 285b-286c: A ciência de Hípias
in Hípias Maior(285b) Socrates : Then the Lacedaemonians in not giving you money and entrusting their sons to you, act contrary to law. Hippias : I agree to that ; for you seem to be making your argument in my favour, and there is no need of my opposing it. Socrates : Then my friends, we find…
Jowett: HPM 287b-287d: Discussão sobre o belo
in Hípias MaiorSocrates : Oh how good that is ! But come, since you tell me to do so, now let me try to play that man’s part, so far as possible, and ask you questions. For if you were to deliver for him this discourse that you mention, the one about beautiful pursuits, when he had…
Jowett: HPM 287d-289d: Primeira tentativa de definição da beleza
in Hípias MaiorSocrates : “Tell me, then, stranger,” he will say, “what is this, the beautiful ?” Hippias : Well, Socrates, does he who asks this question want to find out anything else than what is beautiful ? Socrates : I do not think that is what he wants to find out, (287e) but what the beautiful…
HPM 293c-295b: Exame crítico da noção de conveniência
in Hípias MaiorEstos reproches y otros por el estilo me hará con justicia, si le contesto como tú dices. En efecto, Hipias, casi siempre dialoga conmigo así poro más o menos; otras veces se compadece de mi inexperiencia e ignorancia y él mismo adelanta algo determinado y me pregunta si me parece que eso es lo bello,…
Jowett: HPM 291c-293c: Terceira tentativa de definição da beleza
in Hípias Maior(291d) Hippias : I will tell you; for you seem to me to be seeking to reply that the beautiful is something of such sort that it will never appear ugly anywhere to anybody. Socrates : Certainly, Hippias; now you understand beautifully. Hippias : Listen, then ; for, mind you, if anyone has anything to…
Jowett: HPM 293c-295b: Exame crítico da noção de conveniência
in Hípias MaiorSocrates : “You think, then, what you did not say just now, that to bury one’s parents and be buried by one’s offspring is sometimes and for some persons disgraceful ; (293c) and it is still more impossible, as it seems, for this to become and to be beautiful for all, so that the same…
Jowett: HPM 295c-296e: Quarta tentativa de definição da beleza
in Hípias MaiorSocrates : Ah, don’t boast, Hippias. You see how much trouble it has caused us already ; I’m afraid it may get angry and run away more than ever.(295b) And yet that is nonsense ; for you, I think, will easily find it when you go away by yourself. But for Heaven’s sake, find it…
Jowett: HPM 296e-297e: Causa e efeito
in Hípias MaiorSocrates : Then the beautiful is the cause of the good. (297a) Hippias : Yes, it is. Socrates : But surely, Hippias, the cause and that of which the cause is the cause are different ; for the cause could not well be the cause of the cause. But look at it in this way…
Jowett: HPM 297e-300c: Quinta tentativa de difinição da beleza
in Hípias MaiorSocrates : But it seems to me that I am so eager to know that I cannot wait for you while you delay ; for I believe I have just now found a way out. Just see; how would it help us towards our goal if we were to say that that is beautiful which…
Jowett: HPM 300c-303d: Atribuição coletiva e atribuição parcial
in Hípias MaiorSocrates : And certainly many such cases appear before my mind, but I mistrust them because they do not appear to you, (300d) a man who has made more money by wisdom than anyone now living, but to me who never made any money at all ; and the thought disturbs me that you are…
Jowett: HPM 303d-304e: Epílogo
in Hípias MaiorSocrates : “Then tell us again,” he will say, “from the beginning, (303e) since you failed this time ; what do you say that this ‘beautiful’, belonging to both the pleasures, is, on account of which you honored them before the rest and called them beautiful ?” It seems to me, Hippias, inevitable that we…
in Hípias MaiorGREATER HIPPIAS Persons of the Dialogue : SOCRATES ; HIPPIAS.
HPM 291c-293c: Terceira tentativa de definição da beleza
in Hípias MaiorSóc. – Di, pues, ahora lo que ibas a decir antes. Pues con esta respuesta, si digo que lo bello es el oro, no va a resultar, según me parece, más bello el oro que la madera de higuera. Vamos a lo de ahora. ¿Qué dices, de nuevo, que es lo bello? Hip. -Voy a…
HPM 289d-291c: Segunda tentativa de definição da beleza
in Hípias MaiorHip. – Ciertamente; Sócrates, no hay cosa más sen cilla que darle una respuesta, si él busca qué cosa es lo bello con lo que se adornan todas las demás cosas y aparecen bellas al añadírselas esto. En efecto, este hombre es muy simple y no entiende nada de objetos bellos. Si le respondes que…