Categoria: Hípias Maior
Jowett: HPM 284e-285b: O legal e útil
[284e] Hippias : Speaking accurately, Socrates, that is true ; however, men are not accustomed to think so. Socrates : The men who know, Hippias, or those who do not know ? Hippias : The many. Socrates : Are these, the many, those who know the truth ? Hippias : Certainly not. Socrates : But…
Jowett: HPM 287d-289d: Primeira tentativa de definição da beleza
Socrates : “Tell me, then, stranger,” he will say, “what is this, the beautiful ?” Hippias : Well, Socrates, does he who asks this question want to find out anything else than what is beautiful ? Socrates : I do not think that is what he wants to find out, [287e] but what the beautiful…
Jowett: HPM 286c-287b: O problema da natureza do Belo
Socrates : Well, that shall be done, God willing, Hippias. Now, however, give me a brief answer to a question about your discourse, for you reminded me of the beautiful just at the right moment. For recently, my most excellent friend, as I was finding fault with some things in certain speeches as ugly and…
Jowett: HPM 289d-291c: Segunda tentativa de definição da beleza
Hippias : Well, certainly, Socrates, if that is what he is looking for, nothing is easier than to answer and tell him what the beautiful is, by which all other things are adorned and by the addition of which they are made to appear beautiful. [289e] So the fellow is very simple-minded and knows nothing…
HPM 287b-287d: Discussão sobre o belo
Sóc. – ¡Ay, qué bien hablas! Pero, puesto que tú me animas, me voy a convertir lo más posible en ese hombre y voy a intentar preguntarte. Porque, si tú le expusieras a él este discurso que dices sobre las ocupaciones bellas, te escucharía y, en cuanto terminaras de hablar, no te preguntaría más que…
Jowett: HPM 291c-293c: Terceira tentativa de definição da beleza
[291d] Hippias : I will tell you; for you seem to me to be seeking to reply that the beautiful is something of such sort that it will never appear ugly anywhere to anybody. Socrates : Certainly, Hippias; now you understand beautifully. Hippias : Listen, then ; for, mind you, if anyone has anything to…
HPM 287d-289d: Primeira tentativa de definição da beleza
Sóc. -Sin embargo, es evidente que tú lo sabes mejor. A pesar de eso, amigo, reflexiona. No te pregunta qué es bello, sino qué es lo bello. Hip. -Ya entiendo, amigo; voy a contestarte qué es lo bello y es seguro que no me refutará. Ciertamente, es algo bello, Sócrates, sábelo bien, si hay que…
Jowett: HPM 293c-295b: Exame crítico da noção de conveniência
Socrates : “You think, then, what you did not say just now, that to bury one’s parents and be buried by one’s offspring is sometimes and for some persons disgraceful ; [293c] and it is still more impossible, as it seems, for this to become and to be beautiful for all, so that the same…
HPM 295c-296e: Quarta tentativa de definição da beleza
Sóc. — Mira ahora de nuevo si te parece a ti que lo que voy a decir es lo bello -pero examínalo prestándome mucha atención, no sea que yo diga tonterías: tomemos como bello lo que es útil. He hablado haciendo la reflexión de este modo: son bellos los ojos, no los de condición tal…
Jowett: HPM 295c-296e: Quarta tentativa de definição da beleza
Socrates : Ah, don’t boast, Hippias. You see how much trouble it has caused us already ; I’m afraid it may get angry and run away more than ever.[295b] And yet that is nonsense ; for you, I think, will easily find it when you go away by yourself. But for Heaven’s sake, find it…