Categoria: Íon

  • Chambry: Ion 536d-542b — Domínio próprio de cada arte

    ION: VIII. – C’est bien parler, Socrate. Néanmoins je serais surpris si tu parlais assez bien pour me persuader que je suis possédé et hors de sens quand je fais l’éloge d’Homère ; et toi-même sans doute tu ne le penserais pas, si tu m’entendais parler d’Homère. SOCRATE: Sans doute je veux t’entendre, mais pas…

  • Chambry: Ion 533c-536d — Inspiração e entusiasmo

    SOCRATE: V. – Je vois, Ion, et je vais te faire voir ce que c’est, à mon avis. C’est que ce don que tu as de bien parler d’Homère n’est pas, je le disais tout à l’heure, un art, mais une vertu divine, qui te meut, semblable à celle de la pierre qu’Euripide appelle pierre…

  • Chambry: Ion 532b-533c — Universalidade de uma arte

    ION: Mais alors, Socrate, quelle peut être la cause qui fait que, si l’on parle de quelque autre poète, je ne m’y intéresse pas, que je n’ai rien qui vaille à jeter dans la conversation et que je suis véritablement endormi, tandis que, si on fait mention d’Homère, me voilà éveillé, attentif et plein d’idées.…

  • Chambry: Ion 530a-532b — Apresentação do problema

    SOCRATE: I. – Salut à Ion. D’où nous reviens-tu cette fois ? d’Ephèse, ton pays ? ION: Pas du tout, Socrate, d’Epidaure, des fêtes d’Asclèpios. SOCRATE: Est-que les Epidauriens font aussi un concours de rhapsodes en l’honneur du dieu ? ION: Mais oui, et de toutes les parties de la musique aussi. SOCRATE: Et alors,…

  • Jowett: ION 541e-542b — Epílogo

    Soc. But, indeed, Ion, if you are correct in saying that by art and knowledge you are able to praise Homer, you do not deal fairly with me, and after all your professions of knowing many, glorious things about Homer, and promises that you would exhibit them, you are only a deceiver, and so far…

  • Jowett: ION 536d-541d — O domínio de cada arte lhe é próprio

    Ion. That is good, Socrates ; and yet I doubt whether you will ever have eloquence enough to persuade me that I praise Homer only when I am mad and possessed ; and if you could hear me speak of him I am sure you would never think this to be the case. Soc. I…

  • Jowett: ION 533c-536d — Inspiração e entusiasmo

    Soc. I perceive, Ion ; and I will proceed to explain to you what I imagine to be the reason of this. The gift which you possess of speaking excellently about Homer is not an art, but, as I was just saying, an inspiration ; there is a divinity moving you, like that contained in…

  • Jowett: ION 532b-533c — Universalidade de uma arte em seu domínio

    Ion. Why then, Socrates, do I lose attention and go to sleep and have absolutely no ideas of the least value, when any one speaks of any other poet ; but when Homer is mentioned, I wake up at once and am all attention and have plenty to say ? Soc. The reason, my friend,…

  • Jowett: ION 530d-532b — O problema

    Soc. I shall take an opportunity of hearing your embellishments of him at some other time. But just now I should like to ask you a question : Does your art extend to Hesiod and Archilochus, or to Homer only ? Ion. To Homer only ; he is in himself quite enough. Soc. Are there…

  • Jowett: ION 530a-530d — Prólogo

    Socrates. Welcome, Ion. Are you from your native city of Ephesus ? Ion. No, Socrates ; but from Epidaurus, where I attended the festival of Asclepius. Soc. And do the Epidaurians have contests of rhapsodes at the festival ? Ion. O yes ; and of all sorts of musical performers. Soc. And were you one…