Categoria: Leis II
Jowett: LAWS II
in Leis IILAWS – BOOK II At the beginning of the second book the subject of pleasure leads to education, which in the early years of life is wholly a discipline imparted by the means of pleasure and pain. The discipline of pleasure is implanted chiefly by the practice of the song and the dance. Of these…
Jowett: Laws II 654a-664b — O papel da música de canto e da dança na educação
in Leis IIAth. And the uneducated is he who has not been trained in the chorus, and the educated is he who has been well trained ? Cle. Certainly. Ath. And the chorus is made up of two parts, dance and song ? Cle. True. Ath. Then he who is well educated will be able to sing…
Jowett: Laws II 664b-667b — A instituição dos três coros
in Leis IIAth. The next suggestion which I have to offer is, that all our three choruses shall sing to the young and tender souls of children, reciting in their strains all the noble thoughts of which we have already spoken, or are about to speak ; and the sum of them shall be, that the life…
Jowett: Laws II 667b-672d — Valor técnico e valor moral
in Leis IIAth. When things have an accompanying charm, either the best thing in them is this very charm, or there is some rightness or utility possessed by them ; — for example, I should say that eating and drinking, and the use of food in general, have an accompanying charm which we call pleasure ; but…
Jowett: Laws II 672e-674c — A educação do corpo unida à música
in Leis IIAth. Then half the subject may now be considered to have been discussed ; shall we proceed to the consideration of the other half ? Cle. What is the other half, and how do you divide the subject ? Ath. The whole choral art is also in our view the whole of education ; and…
Jowett: Laws II 652a-654a — Retomada da questão da educação
in Leis IIAthenian Stranger. And now we have to consider whether the insight into human nature is the only benefit derived from well ordered potations, or whether there are not other advantages great and much to be desired. The argument seems to imply that there are. But how and in what way these are to be attained,…