Categoria: Leis III
Jowett: Laws III 676a-676c — Origem e vicissitude das sociedades políticas
in Leis IIIAthenian Stranger. Enough of this. And what, then, is to be regarded as the origin of government ? Will not a man be able to judge of it best from a point of view in which he may behold the progress of states and their transitions to good or evil ? Cleinias. What do you…
Jowett: Laws III 677a-682e — Grandes perturbações das condições de existência
in Leis IIIAth. Do you believe that there is any truth in ancient traditions ? Cle. What traditions ? Ath. The traditions about the many destructions of mankind which have been occasioned by deluges and pestilences, and in many other ways, and of the survival of a remnant ? Cle. Every one is disposed to believe them.…
Jowett: Laws III 682e-693c — A confederação doriana
in Leis IIIAth. Thus, after digressing from the original subject of laws into music and drinking-bouts, the argument has, providentially, come back to the same point, and presents to us another handle. For we have reached the settlement of Lacedaemon ; which, as you truly say, is in laws and in institutions the sister of Crete. And…
Jowett: Laws III 693c-702e — Autoridade e liberdade: condições de um bom governo
in Leis IIICle. Let us resume the argument in that spirit. And now, speaking of friendship and wisdom and freedom, I wish that you would tell me at what, in your opinion, the legislator should aim. Ath. Hear me, then : there are two mother forms of states from which the rest may be truly said to…
Jowett: LAWS III
in Leis IIILAWS – BOOK III After having laid down as the first principle of politics, that peace, and not war, is the true aim of the legislator, and briefly discussed music and festive intercourse, at the commencement of the third book Plato makes a digression, in which he speaks of the origin of society. He describes,…