Categoria: Leis V

  • Jowett: Laws V 726a-734d — A hierarquia dos deveres

    Athenian Stranger. Listen, all ye who have just now heard the laws about Gods, and about our dear forefathers : — Of all the things which a man has, next to the Gods, his soul is the most divine and most truly his own. Now in every man there are two parts : the better…

  • Jowett: Laws V 734e-744a — Projeto de legislação para o Estado futuro

    Enough of the preamble ; and now the laws should follow ; or, to speak more correctly, outline of them. As, then, in the case of a web or any other tissue, the warp and the woof cannot be made of the same materials, but the warp is necessarily superior as being stronger, and having…

  • Jowett: Laws V 744a-747e — Organização interior do Estado

    Let the allottee then hold his lot upon the conditions which we have mentioned. It would be well that every man should come to the colony having all things equal ; but seeing that this is not possible, and one man will have greater possessions than another, for many reasons and in particular in order…

  • Jowett: LAWS V

    LAWS – BOOK V The fifth book commences in a sort of dithyramb with another and higher preamble about the honour due to the soul, whence are deduced the duties of a man to his parents and his friends, to the suppliant and stranger. He should be true and just, free from envy and excess…