Categoria: Leis VII

  • Jowett: Laws VII 788a-788c — Introdução

    And now, assuming children of both sexes to have been born, it will be proper for us to consider, in the next place, their nurture and education ; this cannot be left altogether unnoticed, and yet may be thought a subject fitted rather for precept and admonition than for law. In private life there are…

  • Jowett: Laws VII 788d-794c — Educação da primeira infância

    Ath. And nothing can be plainer than that the fairest bodies are those which grow up from infancy in the best and straightest manner ? Cle. Certainly. Ath. And do we not further observe that the first shoot of every living thing is by far the greatest and fullest ? Many will even contend that…

  • Jowett: Laws VII 794c-806d — Educação depois dos sete anos

    Ath. After the age of six years the time has arrived for the separation of the sexes — let boys live with boys, and girls in like manner with girls. Now they must begin to learn — the boys going to teachers of horsemanship and the use of the bow, the javelin, and sling, and…

  • Jowett: Laws VII 806d-822d — A vida cotidiana do homem

    Ath. Then now I may proceed ? Cle. By all means. Ath. What will be the manner of life among men who may be supposed to have their food and clothing provided for them in moderation, and who have entrusted the practice of the arts to others, and whose husbandry, committed to slaves paying a…

  • Jowett: Laws VII 822d-824b — A caça

    Ath. Enough of laws relating to education and learning. But hunting and similar pursuits in like manner claim our attention. For the legislator appears to have a duty imposed upon him which goes beyond mere legislation. There is something over and above law which lies in a region between admonition and law, and has several…

  • Jowett: LAWS VII

    LAWS – BOOK VII Resuming the order of the discussion, which was indicated in the previous book, from marriage and birth we proceed to education in the seventh book. Education is to begin at or rather before birth; to be continued for a time by mothers and nurses under the supervision of the state; finally,…