Categoria: Leis X

  • Jowett: Laws X 884a-907d — Leis sobre a impiedade

    And now having spoken of assaults, let us sum up all acts of violence under a single law, which shall be as follows : — No one shall take or carry away any of his neighbour’s goods, neither shall he use anything which is his neighbour’s without the consent of the owner ; for these…

  • Jowett: Laws X 907d-909d — Leis contra a impiedade

    Ath. After the prelude shall follow a discourse, which will be the interpreter of the law ; this shall proclaim to all impious persons : — that they must depart from their ways and go over to the pious. And to those who disobey, let the law about impiety be as follows : — If…

  • Jowett: Laws X 909d-910c — Interdição de todo culto privado não conformista; a superstição

    In all these cases there should be one law, which will make men in general less liable to transgress in word or deed, and less foolish, because they will not be allowed to practise religious rites contrary to law. And let this be the simple form of the law : — No man shall have…

  • Jowett: LAWS X

    LAWS – BOOK X At the beginning of Book X, all acts of violence, including sacrilege, are summed up in a single law. The law is preceded by an admonition, in which the offenders are informed that no one ever did an unholy act or said an unlawful word while he retained his belief in…