Categoria: Leis XII

  • Jowett: LAWS XII

    LAWS – BOOK XII In the twelfth book the same subjects are continued. Laws are passed concerning violations of military discipline, concerning the high office of the examiners and their burial; concerning oaths and the violation of them, and the punishments of those who neglect their duties as citizens. Foreign travel is then discussed, and…

  • Jowett: Laws XII 941a-942a — A probidade no exercício de funções públicas

    If a herald or an ambassador carry a false message from our city to any other, or bring back a false message from the city to which he is sent, or be proved to have brought back, whether from friends or enemies, in his capacity of herald or ambassador, what they have never said, let…

  • Jowett: Laws XII 942a-945a — Legislação militar

    Now for expeditions of war much consideration and many laws are required ; the great principle of all is that no one of either sex should be without a commander ; nor should the mind of any one be accustomed to do anything, either in jest or earnest, of his own motion, but in war…

  • Jowett: Laws XII 945a-948b — Controle da administração dos magistrados

    What regulations will be proper about examiners, seeing that some of our magistrates are elected by lot, and for a year, and some for a longer time and from selected persons ? Of such magistrates, who will be a sufficient censor or examiner, if any of them, weighed down by the pressure of office or…

  • Jowett: Laws XII 948b-949d — A administração da justiça

    The so-called decision of Rhadamanthus is worthy of all admiration. He knew that the men of his own time believed and had no doubt that there were Gods, which was a reasonable belief in those days, because most men were the sons of Gods, and according to tradition he was one himself. He appears to…

  • Jowett: Laws XII 949e-953e — As relações internacionais em tempo de paz

    Now a state which makes money from the cultivation of the soil only, and has no foreign trade, must consider what it will do about the emigration of its own people to other countries, and the reception of strangers from elsewhere. About these matters the legislator has to consider, and he will begin by trying…

  • Jowett: Laws XII 953e-955e — Cauções e perquisições

    When a man becomes surety, let him give the security in a distinct form, acknowledging the whole transaction in a written document, and in the presence of not less than three witnesses if the sum be under a thousand drachmae, and of not less than five witnesses if the sum be above a thousand drachmae.…

  • Jowett: Laws XII 955e-956b — Oferendas aos deuses

    Touching offerings to the Gods, a moderate man should observe moderation in what he offers. Now the land and the hearth of the house of all men is sacred to all Gods ; wherefore let no man dedicate them a second time to the Gods. Gold and silver, whether possessed by private persons or in…

  • Jowett: Laws XII 956b-958c — Administração da justiça

    Now that the whole city has been divided into parts of which the nature and number have been described, and laws have been given about all the most important contracts as far as this was possible, the next thing will be to have justice done. The first of the courts shall consist of elected judges,…

  • Jowett: Laws XII 958c-960b — Pompas fúnebres

    Thus a man is born and brought up, and after this manner he begets and brings up his own children, and has his share of dealings with other men, and suffers if he has done wrong to any one, and receives satisfaction if he has been wronged, and so at length in due time he…

  • Jowett: Laws XII 960b-962e — Papel do Conselho Noturno

    Ath. … but in all cases the end does not consist in doing something or acquiring something or establishing something — the end will be attained and finally accomplished, when we have provided for the perfect and lasting continuance of our institutions until then our creation is incomplete. Cle. That is very good Stranger ;…

  • Jowett: Laws XII 962e-965b — Unidade da Virtude

    Cle. Then, Stranger, our former assertion will hold, for we were saying that laws generally should look to one thing only ; and this, as we admitted, was rightly said to be virtue. Ath. Yes. Cle. And we said that virtue was of four kinds ? Ath. Quite true. Cle. And that mind was the…

  • Jowett: Laws XII 965b-966b — O Uno e o Múltiplo

    Ath. And must not that of which we are in need be the one to which we were just now alluding ? Cle. Very true. Ath. Did we not say that the workman or guardian, if he be perfect in every respect, ought not only to be able to see the many aims, but he…

  • Jowett: Laws XII 966b-969d — Teologia astral

    Ath. Is not the knowledge of the Gods which we have set forth with so much zeal one of the noblest sorts of knowledge ; — to know that they are, and know how great is their power, as far as in man lies ? do indeed excuse the mass of the citizens, who only…