Categoria: Mênon
Menon:71e-73c – Maneira de definir a virtude
in MênonMEN. — No hay dificultad en ello, Sócrates. En primer lugar, si quieres la virtud del hombre, es fácil decir que ésta consiste en ser capaz de manejar los asuntos del Estado1, y manejándolos, hacer bien por un lado a los amigos, y mal, por el otro, a los enemigos2, cuidándose uno mismo de que…
Jowett: MEN 88a-89b — A virtude enquanto atividade útil
in MênonSoc. And what is the guiding principle which makes them profitable or the reverse ? Are they not profitable when they are rightly used, and hurtful when they are not rightly used ? Men. Certainly. Soc. Next, let us consider the goods of the soul : they are temperance, justice, courage, quickness of apprehension, memory,…
Jowett: MEN 89b-90b — Em quais condições a virtude seria o fruto de um estudo?
in MênonSoc. But if the good are not by nature good, are they made good by instruction ? Men. There appears to be no other alternative, Socrates. On the supposition that virtue is knowledge, there can be no doubt that virtue is taught. Soc. Yes, indeed ; but what if the supposition is erroneous ? Men.…
Jowett: MEN 90b-94e — Anytos, porta-voz da consciência coletiva e das tradições
in MênonSoc. Please, Anytus, to help me and your friend Meno in answering our question : Who are the teachers ? Consider the matter thus : If we wanted Meno to be a good physician, to whom should we send him ? Should we not send him to the physicians ? Anytus. Certainly. Soc. Or if…
Jowett: MEN 91a-93a — Os sofistas julgados por Anytos
in MênonSoc. Very good. And now you are in a position to advise with me about my friend Meno. He has been telling me, Anytus, that he desires to attain that kind of wisdom and virtue by which men order the state or the house, and honour their parents, and know when to receive and when…
Jowett: MEN 95a-99a — A opinião verdadeira
in MênonSoc. O Meno, think that Anytus is in a rage. And he may well be in a rage, for he thinks, in the first place, that I am defaming these gentlemen ; and in the second place, he is of opinion that he is one of them himself. But some day he will know what…
Jowett: MEN 96d-98a — Comparação do saber com a opinião verdadeira
in MênonSoc. I am afraid, Meno, that you and I are not good for much, and that Gorgias has been as poor an educator of you as Prodicus has been of me. Certainly we shall have to look to ourselves, and try to find some one who will help in some way or other to improve…
Jowett: MEN 98b-99a — Recapitulação levando a um impasse
in MênonSoc. I too speak rather in ignorance ; I only conjecture. And yet that knowledge differs from true opinion is no matter of conjecture with me. There are not many things which I profess to know, but this is most certainly one of them. Men. Yes, Socrates ; and you are quite right in saying…
Jowett: MEN 99b-100c — Epílogo
in MênonSoc. Then of two good and useful things, one, which is knowledge, has been set aside, and cannot be supposed to be our guide in political life. Men. I think not. Soc. And therefore not by any wisdom, and not because they were wise, did Themistocles and those others of whom Anytus spoke govern states.…
in MênonSobre se a virtude pode ser ensinada. Conclusão negativa, contrária à tese de Sócrates. Insuficiência da razão discursiva, que deve apoiar-se na experiência e completar-se com a intuição. Aparecem os primeiros elementos pitagóricos, a preexistência das almas e a reminiscência. Mas isto talvez atrase um pouco a redação deste diálogo, como com o do Górgias.…
Menón (trad. em espanhol)
in MênonUtilizada a versão de 1. Naturaleza del diálogo Quizás en ningún otro diálogo como en el Mentón. logró Platón concentrar, en un espacio tan reducido, y sin quitar soltura ni vivacidad al contenido, una formulación tan lúcida como ajustada de algunas de las que serán sus principales tesis. Por el tema que trata ––el…
Menon:73c-77a – Definindo a virtude em geral
in MênonMEN. —Pues, ¿qué otra cosa que el ser capaz de gobernar a los hombres?, ya que buscas algo único en todos los casos. SÓC. — Eso es lo que estoy buscando, precisamente. Pero, ¿es acaso la misma virtud, Menón, la del niño y la del esclavo, es decir, ser capaz de gobernar al amo? ¿Y…
Jowett: MEN 86c-90b — Retomada do problema da virtude
in MênonSoc. Then, as we are agreed that a man should enquire about that which he does not know, shall you and I make an effort to enquire together into the nature of virtue ? Men. By all means, Socrates. And yet I would much rather return to my original question, Whether in seeking to acquire…
Menon:77a-79e – Críticas, primeira e segunda definições de virtude
in MênonSÓC. — No es empeño, desde luego, lo que me va a faltar, tanto por ti como por mí, para hablar de estas cosas. Temo, sin embargo, no ser capaz de decirte muchas como ésta. Pero, en fin, trata también tú de cumplir la promesa diciéndome, en general1, qué es la virtud, y deja de…
Sallis (Being Logos) – Quem é Mênon?
in MênonThe problem of whole and parts as a problem of human mediation is posed abruptly in the discussion with which the Meno commences. Meno asks how virtue is acquired, whether by teaching, by practice, by nature, or by some other means. Socrates ironically praises Meno’s countrymen, contrasting the situation in Thessaly with the dearth of…
Sallis (Being Logos) – Todo e partes (Menon 71e-74b)
in MênonMeno offers three successive answers to the question “What is virtue?” In examining these it is imperative that we avoid assuming in advance that we know in general what constitutes an appropriate answer to this kind of question. If such answers are to be designated as “definitions,” we must take care that this translation does…
Menon:85b-86c – Interpretação da reminiscência
in MênonSÓC. — ¿Qué te parece, Menón? ¿Ha contestado él con alguna opinión que no le sea propia? MEN. — No, con las suyas. SÓC. — Y, sin embargo, como dijimos hace poco, antes no sabía. MEN. — Es verdad. SÓC. — Estas opiniones, entonces, estaban en él, ¿o no? MEN. — Sí. SÓC. — El…
Menon:86c-88a – Problema da virtude: recurso ao método hipotético dos geômetras
in MênonSÓC. — ¿Quieres, pues, ya que estamos de acuerdo en que hay que indagar lo que uno no sabe que intentemos en común buscar qué es la virtud? MEN. — Por supuesto. No obstante, Sócrates, yo preferiría, desde luego, examinar y escuchar lo que al principio te preguntaba, esto es: si hay que considerar la…
Menon:88a-89b – A virtude deve ser guiada pela inteligência
in MênonSÓC. — Observa ahora, ¿qué es lo que guía a cada una de esas cosas cuando nos son útiles y qué cuando nos dañan? ¿No es cierto, acaso, que son útiles cuando hay un uso correcto y que, en cambio, dañan cuando no lo hay? MEN. — Por supuesto. SÓC. — Investiguemos también las que…
Menon:90b-90e – Entrada de Anito, o porta-voz da consciência coletiva e das tradições
in MênonIndaga entonces con nosotros, Ánito, conmigo y con tu huésped Menón, aquí presente, acerca de este asunto: cuáles pueden ser los maestros. Y haz, por ejemplo, estas c consideraciones: si quisiéramos que Menón fuese un buen médico, ¿a qué maestros lo encomendaríamos? ¿No sería a los médicos? ÁNITO. — Por supuesto. SÓC. — Y si…