Categoria: Mênon
Jowett: MEN 93a-94e — Por que os grandes homens não souberam transmitir seus méritos a seus filhos?
Soc. Yes, certainly, Anytus ; and many good statesmen also there always have been and there are still, in the city of Athens. But the question is whether they were also good teachers of their own virtue ; — not whether there are, or have been, good men in this part of the world, but…
Jowett: MEN 81b-82d — A solução pela reminiscência
Soc. And they say — mark, now, and see whether their words are true — they say that the soul of man is immortal, and at one time has an end, which is termed dying, and at another time is born again, but is never destroyed. And the moral is, that a man ought to…
Menon (77a-79e) – Críticas, primeira e segunda definições de virtude
SÓC. — No es empeño, desde luego, lo que me va a faltar, tanto por ti como por mí, para hablar de estas cosas. Temo, sin embargo, no ser capaz de decirte muchas como ésta. Pero, en fin, trata también tú de cumplir la promesa diciéndome, en general1, qué es la virtud, y deja de…
Menon:89c-90b – Em que condições a virtude seria o fruto de um estudo?
SÓC. — ¿Si los buenos, por tanto, no lo son por naturaleza, lo llegarán a ser por aprendizaje? MEN. — Me parece que no hay ya otro remedio sino que sea así; además, es evidente, Sócrates, que es enseñable, según nuestra hipótesis de que la virtud es conocimiento. SÓC. —Quizás, ¡por Zeus!, pero tal vez…
Jowett: MEN 82d-85b — Problema da duplicação do quadrado
Soc. And might there not be another square twice as large as this, and having like this the lines equal ? Boy. Yes. Soc. And of how many feet will that be ? Boy. Of eight feet. Soc. And now try and tell me the length of the line which forms the side of that…
Sallis (Being Logos) – Quem é Mênon?
The problem of whole and parts as a problem of human mediation is posed abruptly in the discussion with which the Meno commences. Meno asks how virtue is acquired, whether by teaching, by practice, by nature, or by some other means. Socrates ironically praises Meno’s countrymen, contrasting the situation in Thessaly with the dearth of…
Menon:95a-96d – A opinião verdadeira
SÓC. —Me parece, Menón, que Anito se ha irritado1, y no me asombra, ya que, en primer lugar, cree que estoy acusando a estos hombres y, en segundo lugar, se considera él también uno de ellos. Pero si llegara a saber alguna vez qué significa «hablar mal»2, cesaría de irritarse; pero ahora lo ignora. Mas…
Jowett: MEN 85b-86c — Interpretação da reminiscência
Soc. What do you say of him, Meno ? Were not all these answers given out of his own head ? Men. Yes, they were all his own. Soc. And yet, as we were just now saying, he did not know ? Men. True. Soc. But still he had in him those notions of his…
Sallis (Being Logos) – Todo e partes (Menon 71e-74b)
Meno offers three successive answers to the question “What is virtue?” In examining these it is imperative that we avoid assuming in advance that we know in general what constitutes an appropriate answer to this kind of question. If such answers are to be designated as “definitions,” we must take care that this translation does…
Menon:91a-93a – Os sofistas julgados por Anitos
SÓC. — Dices bien. Ahora, entonces, es posible que me ayudes a deliberar y lo hagas conmigo, en común, acerca de tu huésped Menón, que está aquí. Hace rato que él me dice, Ánito, que anhela ese saber y esa virtud gracias a los cuales los hombres gobiernan bien sus casas y el Estado, se…