Categoria: República VI
República VI
in República VIExcertos da Introdução de Maria Helena da Rocha Pereira, à sua tradução da “República” Os dois livros seguintes ocupar-se-ão, logicamente, da preparação do filósofo. Depois de enumerar as qualidades que o recomendam para ocupar os lugares de chefia e de analisar as causas do desfavor em que geralmente é tido, principia a esboçar a maneira…
Jowett: REP VI 484a-487a — O filósofo-governante
in República VIAnd thus, Glaucon, after the argument has gone a weary way, the true and the false philosophers have at length appeared in view. I do not think, he said, that the way could have been shortened. I suppose not, I said ; and yet I believe that we might have had a better view of…
Jowett: REP VI 487a-497a — Filósofos e Estado
in República VIHere Adeimantus interposed and said : To these statements, Socrates, no one can offer a reply ; but when you talk in this way, a strange feeling passes over the minds of your hearers : They fancy that they are led astray a little at each step in the argument, owing to their own want…
Jowett: REP VI 497a-502c — Forma ideal do Estado
in República VIThe causes why philosophy is in such an evil name have now been sufficiently explained : the injustice of the charges against her has been shown — is there anything more which you wish to say ? Nothing more on that subject, he replied ; but I should like to know which of the governments…
Jowett: REP VI 502c-504d — Os governantes do Estado ideal
in República VIAnd so with pain and toil we have reached the end of one subject, but more remains to be discussed ; how and by what studies and pursuits will the saviours of the constitution be created, and at what ages are they to apply themselves to their several studies ? Certainly. I omitted the troublesome…
Jowett: REP VI 504d-511e — A Ideia do Bem
in República VIWhat, he said, is there a knowledge still higher than this — higher than justice and the other virtues ? Yes, I said, there is. And of the virtues too we must behold not the outline merely, as at present — nothing short of the most finished picture should satisfy us. When little things are…
Jowett: REP VI 506d-508a — Glaucon demanda uma reflexão sobre o Bem
in República VIStill, I must implore you, Socrates, said Glaucon, not to turn away just as you are reaching the goal ; if you will only give such an explanation of the good as you have already given of justice and temperance and the other virtues, we shall be satisfied. Yes, my friend, and I shall be…
Jowett: REP VI 508a-511e — Glaucon demanda uma reflexão sobre o Bem
in República VIMay not the relation of sight to this deity be described as follows ? How ? Neither sight nor the eye in which sight resides is the sun ? No. Yet of all the organs of sense the eye is the most like the sun ? By far the most like. And the power which…
Chambry: La République VI 484a-487a — A noção de filósofo-governante
in República VI1. 484 — Eh bien, dis-je, Glaucon, pour ce qui est des philosophes, et de ceux qui ne le sont pas, voici que parvenus au terme d’un long dialogue, et avec quelque difficulté, on a fait voir qui ils sont, les uns et les autres. — C’est que peut-être, dit-il, le faire brièvement n’était pas…
Chambry: La République VI 487a-496a — Por que os filósofos são desconsiderados?
in República VIAlors Adimante : — Socrate, dit-il, à ces b arguments que tu as avancés, personne ne serait à même de s’opposer. Mais ceux qui à chaque fois t’entendent parler comme tu le fais à présent éprouvent à peu près l’impression que voici : ils pensent que par manque d’expérience dans la pratique des questions et…