Categoria: John Smith (1618-1652)

  • John Smith: Discurso II – Busca

    To seek our divinity merely in books and writings, is to seek the living among the dead: we do but in vain seek God many times in these, where His truth too often is not so much enshrined as entombed: — no; intra te quaere Deum, seek for God within thine own soul; He is…

  • John Smith (1618-1652)

    One of the marked features of present Christian thinking is the refreshing and new expression which it is finding in the revival of the Greek theology over against the Latin: and of this movement John Smith was a notable forerunner. Theology has descended through the Latin branch of the church and in some directions had…


    In the discourse here printed John Smith gives in a few broad strokes the general method of this group; the paper was designed by him as “a necessary introduction” to his other discourses, his friend John Worthington says. As this looks at religion from the point of view of how man is to know God,…

  • John Smith: Discurso I – Método

    It hath been long since well observed, that every art and science hath some certain principles upon which the whole frame and body of it must depend; and he that will fully acquaint himself with the mysteries thereof, must come furnished with some Praecognita, or prolepsis that I may speak in the language of the…

  • John Smith: Discurso III – Semelhança

    Such as men themselves are, such will God Himself seem to be. It is the maxim of most wicked men, that the Deity is some way or other like themselves; their souls do more than whisper it, though their lips speak it not; and though their tongues be silent, yet their lives cry it upon…

  • John Smith: apatheia

    Era uma boa máxima dos antigos escritores judeus, “o Espírito Santo não habita em paixões terrenas e terrestres”. A divindade não é tão bem percebida por uma inteligência sutil, mas por um sentido purificado”, como diz Plotino. … O próprio Aristóteles considerava um jovem impróprio para se intrometer nos graves preceitos da moralidade, até que…