Categoria: Peter Sterry (1613–1672)
Peter Sterry: Conversão
To assist our conversion, we do well to consider these four questions : (1) What are we? By descending into our own being, and entering into ” the secretest retirement” of our own spirit, we shall discover that we are not our own original, but that there is ” some eternal thing ” above our…
Peter Sterry: Obra
In addition to various sermons, Sterry’s published works consist of The Spirit Convincing of Sin, London, 1645 ; Discourse of the Freedom of the Will, London, 1675—the preface to which, one writer has said ” will bear a comparison with Cudworth’s famous sermon on the same subject”; The Rise, Race and Royalty of the Kingdom…
Peter Sterry (1613–1672)
PETER STERRY ASPECTS OF CHRISTIAN MYSTICISM (1907) – Scott, W. Major (William Major) Peter Sterry and his writings have fallen into general but undeserved obscurity, although, among those who are versed in mystical theology and thought, his name is honoured and his writings studied still. Sterry’s works exercised great influence in their day, and their…
Peter Sterry: Pensamento
The mystic or evangelical life is, according to Sterry’s teaching, a life in which man ministers unto God, offering up himself unto God “as a perpetual sacrifice in a flame of love,” and receiving from Him divine manifestations and communications according to the divine good pleasure, ” and all this with an open contemplation of…
Peter Sterry: Renascer
At the season of the New Birth, says Sterry, ” God discovers Himself in the soul as a glorious ground, out of which thy life and thy Jesus spring up together by degrees, like twin-lilies— roses from the same stalk or root, which is Christ.” When the set time is come, nothing can withstand that…
Peter Sterry: Este mundo não tem nada de real
Viver despreocupado neste mundo. Essa Lição Divina nos é ensinada do Céu pelo Espírito Santo sobre esse fundamento; I Coríntios 7:29, 30, 31. Mas digo isto, irmãos, que o tempo é curto. Resta que os que têm mulheres sejam como se não as tivessem; e os que choram, como se não chorassem; e os que…