Categoria: Proclo
in ProcloProclus ou Proclo (412 – 487) Herdeiro da filosofia grega passada, e tendo se tornado mestre, por um trabalho crítico de toda sua herança, Proclus legou para seu século e os seguintes uma doutrina completa e acabada, que é ao mesmo tempo a última palavra do platonismo, e um imenso repertório das opiniões de todos…
Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-VIII
I appear, however, by these means, to have excited for myself a two-fold contest against those who attempt to investigate the writings of Plato; and I see two sorts of persons, who will oppose what has been said. One of these does not think proper to explore any other design in the Parmenides, than exercise…
Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XXIX
Thus much therefore may suffice concerning the unbegotten hyparxis of the Gods. It now remains, I think, to speak of divine names. For Socrates in the Cratylus thinks fit to unfold in a remarkable degree the rectitude of names in divine natures. And Parmenides indeed, in the first hypothesis, as he denies of the one…
Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XXVI
Again, let us, if you are willing, from other dialogues investigate the common dogmas of Plato about divine natures. Whence therefore, and what dogmas shall we assume, while we proceed in our search according to nature? Are you willing that we should in the next place recall to our memory what is written in the…
Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XXIII
After this, wisdom is allotted the second order, being the intelligence of the Gods, or rather the hyparxis of their intelligence. For intelligence indeed, is intellectual knowledge; but the wisdom of the Gods is ineffable knowledge, which is united to the object of knowledge and the intelligible union of the Gods. But it appears to…
Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XX
In the next place, let us speak concerning the truth which is in the Gods; for this in addition to what has been said is concluded by Socrates, because a divine nature is without falsehood, and is neither the cause of deception or ignorance to us or to any other beings. We must understand therefore,…
Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XVII
That, therefore, which has the hyparxis of itself, and the whole of its essence defined in the good, and which by its very being produces all things, must necessarily be productive of every good, but of no evil. For if there was anything primarily good, which is not God, perhaps someone might say that divinity…
Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-XIV
From what has been said, therefore, it is evident to everyone, that the Gods being the causes of all motion, some of them are essential and vivific, according to a self-motive, self-vital, and self-energetic power. But others of them are intellectual, and excite by their very being all secondary natures to the perfection of life,…
Fraile: Proclo — Ética
in ProcloLa moralidad consiste en el proceso ascendente del alma, que va subiendo a través de la práctica de las virtudes, hasta llegar a la unión con el Uno. Proclo multiplica los grados plotinianos de la virtud. Hay virtudes físicas, éticas, políticas o sociales, todas las cuales no trascienden el orden de lo corpóreo; otras son…
in ProcloHéritier de la philosophie grecque tout entière, et devenu maître, par un travail opiniâtre, de tout son héritage, Proclus a légué à son siècle et aux âges suivants une doctrine complète et arrêtée, qui est en même temps le dernier mot du platonisme, et un immense répertoire des opinions de tous les philosophes. Comparer son…
Proclo: Teologia de Platão I-X
But a greater and more difficult contest remains for me, against those lovers of the speculation of beings, who look to the science of first causes, as the end proposed in the hypothesis of the Platonic Parmenides; and this contest we will accomplish, if you please, by numerous and more known arguments. And in the…
Hino comum aos deuses
in ProcloHimno común a los dioses Traducción: Josep Soler Oídme, oh Dioses, vosotros que gobernáis el timón De la sagrada sabiduría, y que, encendiendo en las Ánimas de los hombres la llama del deseo del retorno, Las atraéis hacia los Inmortales, dándoles, Por las indecibles iniciaciones de los himnos, El poder de evadirse de la oscura…
Proclus: l’unité
in ProcloIl faut élever cette fine pointe de l’âme, selon laquelle nous sommes unité. Nous participons au Premier, duquel dérive pour toutes choses l’unification, selon l’unité et pour ainsi dire la fleur de notre essence, grâce à laquelle nous nous attachons principalement au Divin. Partout, en effet, ‘c’est par le semblable qu’est appréhendé le semblable’, les…
Fraile: Proclo
in Proclo(Excertos de Guillermo Fraile, História da Filosofia) PROCLO (h.410-485).—Nació en Bizancio, de padres originarios de Xanthos, en Licia. Estudió en Alejandría con el sofista Leonas, con el gramático Arión y el matemático Herón. Olimpiodoro el Viejo lo inició en el aristotelismo. A los veinte años llegó a Atenas, donde fue discípulo de Plutarco y de…
Bastid: Proclo comentando o Alcibíades
in ProcloExcertos de Paul Bastid, Proclus et le crépuscule de la pensée grecque Ce dialogue, on le sait, met en présence Socrate et le jeune Alcibiade qui se dispose à suivre la carrière des affaires publiques. Au début de son commentaire, Proclus explique longuement l’utilité de l’Alcibiade, la place qu’il occupe parmi les dix principaux dialogues…
Simon: Du commentaire de Proclus sur le Timée de Platon
in ProcloDu commentaire de Proclus sur le Timée de Platon– Jules Simon TABLE DES MATIÈRES. PREMIÈRE PARTIE. Chapitre. I. Les Égyptiens. Orphée. Homère et Hésiode. Chapitre II. École Ionienne. Pythagore et les Pythagoriciens. Timée de Locres. Philolaüs. Ocellus Lucanus. Archytas de Tarente, Zenon d’Élee, Anaxágoras, Empédocle. Heraclite. Parménide. Les Sophistes, Socrate. Chapitre III. Platon. Xénocrate et…
Hino a Deus
in ProcloHimno a Dios Traducción: Josep Soler Oh Tú, que todo lo trasciendes, que estás más allá de todo, ¿Acaso me es permitido cantarte llamándote de otra manera? ¿Cómo celebrarte, oh Tú, que eres trascendente a todo? ¿Con qué palabras dirigirte alabanzas? Con ninguna palabra, en efecto, puedes ser nombrado, Siendo el único sin nombre, engendras,…
in Proclogr. schéma ou skhêma (tó): aparência, forma, figura. Em lógica: designa as diferentes figuras de silogismos (Aristóteles, Anal. Pr., 1,23-24). Form (eidos), shape (morphê) and figure (skhêma), according to Proclus, are distinguished by degree of universality. The eidos is most universal and, at its pinnacle in the third intelligible monad, exists prior to shape. As…
Proclo: sereias
in ProcloO divino Platão sabia que há três tipos de sereias: a celestial, que está sob o governo de Júpiter; a que produz a geração, e está sob o governo de Netuno; e a que é catártica, e está sob o governo de Plutão. É comum a todas elas inclinar todas as coisas por meio de…
Proclo comentador de Platão (Bastid)
in ProcloExcertos de Paul Bastid, Proclus et le crépuscule de la pensée grecque Les commentaires de Platon représentent dans l’oeuvre de Proclus la partie la plus volumineuse. Leur importance est grande du point de vue de sa doctrine personnelle, car il ne se borne pas à expliquer la pensée du maître ; il ajoute souvent, en…