Tratado 37 (II, 7) — About Mixture to the Point of Total Penetration. (Guthrie)

1. Refutation of Anaxágoras and Democritus.

Refutation of Aristotle and Alexander of Aphrodisias.

Refutation of the Stoics.

Explanation of mixture that occupies more space than its elements.

Case of mixture of unequal quantities.

2. Evaporation may lead to a third theory of mixture.

Refutation of Stoic explanation of evaporation.

Refutation of peripatetic explanation of evaporation.

3. The body is rationalized matter.

GUTHRIE, K. S. Plotinus: Complete Works: In Chronological Order, Grouped in Four Periods. [single Volume, Unabridged]. [s.l.] CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017.
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