Jowett: HMEN 366a-366c: Dizer falso não pertence senão aquele que sabe o verdadeiro

Socrates : Stop. Let us recall what you say. You say that the false are powerful and intelligent, and knowing and wise in those things in which they are false ?

Hippias : Yes, I do.

Socrates : And that the true and the false are different and complete opposites of one another ?

Hippias : I do.

Socrates : Well, then, the false are among the powerful and the wise, according to your statement.

Hippias : Certainly.

(366b) Socrates : And when you say that the false are powerful and wise for falsehood, do you mean that they have power to utter falsehoods if they like, or that they are powerless in respect to the falsehoods which they utter ?

Hippias : That they have power.

Socrates : In short, then, the false are those who are wise and powerful in uttering falsehoods.

Hippias : Yes.

Socrates : A man, then, who has not the power to utter falsehoods and is ignorant would not be false.

Hippias : That is true.

Socrates : Well, but every man has power who does what he wishes at the time when he wishes ; (366c) I am not speaking of one who is prevented by disease or that sort of thing, but as I might say of you that you have power to write my name when you wish or do you not say that a man has power who is in such a condition ?

Hippias : Yes, I do.

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