Persons of the Dialogue : SOCRATES, who is the narrator of the Dialogue to his Companion ; HIPPOCRATES ; ALCIBIADES ; CRITIAS ; PROTAGORAS, HIPPIAS, PRODICUS, Sophists ; CALLIAS, a wealthy Athenian. Scene : The house of Callias
The Protagoras, like several of the Dialogues of Plato, is put into the mouth of Socrates, who describes a conversation which had taken place between himself and the great Sophist at the house of Callias—‘the man who had spent more upon the Sophists than all the rest of the world’—and in which the learned Hippias and the grammarian Prodicus had also shared, as well as Alcibiades and Critias, both of whom said a few words—in the presence of a distinguished company consisting of disciples of Protagoras and of leading Athenians belonging to the Socratic circle. The dialogue commences with a request on the part of Hippocrates that Socrates would introduce him to the celebrated teacher. He has come before the dawn had risen—so fervid is his zeal. Socrates moderates his excitement and advises him to find out ‘what Protagoras will make of him,’ before he becomes his pupil.
- Jowett: Protágoras 342a-347b: Comentário do poema de Simonide
- Jowett: Protágoras 342d-345d: Os Sete Sábios
- Jowett: Protágoras 345d-347b: Ninguém é mau voluntariamente
- Jowett: Protágoras 347b-360e: Segunda parte do diálogo
- Jowett: Protágoras 348b-349a: Retomada da discussão
- Jowett: Protágoras 349a-349d: Questão da unidade da virtude
- Jowett: Protágoras 349d-350c: Análise da coragem
- Jowett: Protágoras 350c-351b: Objeção de Protágoras
- Jowett: Protágoras 351b-351e: O que é bem viver?
- Jowett: Protágoras 351e-355e: Exame crítico do saber. Ser vencido pelo prazer.
- Jowett: Protágoras 355e-358d: Ser vencido pelo prazer. Cálculo dos prazeres.
- Jowett: Protágoras 358d-360e: Retomada da questão da coragem
- Jowett: Protágoras 360e-362a: Epílogo