
gr. κίνησις, kínesis (he): movimento, mudança, moção. Latim: motus. kinetón (tó) e kinoúmenon (tó): móvel, ser movido. Latim: mobile. kinoûn (tó): motor, o ser que move, agente, causa eficiente. Latim: movens. A palavra kinesis tem como primeiro sentido movimento; com Platão, ganha o sentido metafísico de mudança; os dois sentidos depois passam a coexistir. Mas os tradutores, na esteira dos latinos, conservam o mesmo termo para os dois sentidos. (Gobry)

Brisson & Pradeau

Voir Phèdre, 245d-e : « Concluons donc. L’être qui se meut lui-même est principe de mouvement. Or, cet être ne peut ni être anéanti ni venir à l’être ; autrement le ciel tout entier et tout ce qui est soumis à la génération s’effondreraient, s’arrêteraient et jamais ne retrouveraient une source de mouvement lui permettant de venir de nouveau à l’être » (trad. L. Brisson). (BPTraites1-6:129)


Change is central to Aristotle’s Physics, because nature is defined as an inner source of change.

Aristotle sometimes contrasts change (kinesis) with activity (energeia) by saying that a change, like building a house, has to wait until the end in order to be complete, whereas an activity, like thinking, is complete at any stage, EN 1174al4-23; cf. Metaph. 9.6. This is reflected grammatically in the point that, when someone is building a house, we cannot say until the end, ‘he has built the house’. But as soon as someone is thinking, we can say, ‘he has thought’. Ackrill has argued that this is the central criterion for the distinction. (SorabjiPC2:61)