act rightly

Socrates : What ? For the Lacedaemonians is it the hereditary usage not to ACT RIGHTLY, (284c) but to commit errors ? GREATER HIPPIAS

Socrates : Would they, then, not ACT RIGHTLY in educating the young men better, but not in educating them worse ? GREATER HIPPIAS

And when men ACT RIGHTLY and advantageously they seem to you to be temperate ? PROTAGORAS

And they who do not ACT RIGHTLY act foolishly, and in acting thus are not temperate ? PROTAGORAS

Monster ! I said ; you have been carrying me round in a circle, and all this time hiding from me the fact that the life according to knowledge is not that which makes men ACT RIGHTLY and be happy, not even if knowledge include all the sciences, but one science only, that of good and evil. For, let me ask you, Critias, whether, if you take away this, medicine will not equally give health, and shoemaking equally produce shoes, and the art of the weaver clothes ? — whether the art of the pilot will not equally save our lives at sea, and the art of the general in war ? CHARMIDES

Then wisdom always makes men fortunate : for by wisdom no man would ever err, and therefore he must ACT RIGHTLY and succeed, or his wisdom would be wisdom no longer. EUTHYDEMUS