Socrates : Will not, then, the more powerful and better soul, when it does injustice, do it voluntarily, and the BAD SOUL involuntarily ? LESSER HIPPIAS
Soc. Then I shall proceed to add, that if the, temperate soul is the good soul, the soul which is in the opposite condition, that is, the foolish and intemperate, is the BAD SOUL. Very true. GORGIAS
Ath. We were saying, if I remember rightly, that the sixty-year-old choristers of Dionysus were to be specially quick in their perceptions of rhythm and musical composition, that they might be able to distinguish good and bad imitation, that is to say, the imitation of the good or BAD SOUL when under the influence of passion, rejecting the one and displaying the other in hymns and songs, charming the souls of youth, and inviting them to follow and attain virtue by the way of imitation. LAWS BOOK VII