release of the soul

And what is purification but the separation of the soul from the body, as I was saying before ; the habit of the soul gathering and collecting herself into herself, out of all the courses of the body ; the dwelling in her own place alone, as in another life, so also in this, as far as she can ; the RELEASE OF THE SOUL from the chains of the body ? PHAEDO

And what is that which is termed death, but this very separation and RELEASE OF THE SOUL from the body ? PHAEDO

And the true philosophers, and they only, study and are eager to release the soul. Is not the separation and RELEASE OF THE SOUL from the body their especial study ? PHAEDO

Soc. And of madness there were two kinds ; one produced by human infirmity, the other was a divine RELEASE OF THE SOUL from the yoke of custom and convention. PHAEDRUS