Assim como o universo é na forma de uma esfera, todas as extremidades, sendo equidistantes do centro, são igualmente extremidades, e o centro, que está distante delas, é igualmente visto como opostas a todas elas. Assim sendo a natureza do mundo, quando uma pessoa dizendo que quaisquer uns destes pontos é acima o abaixo, não poderia ser considerado como usando uma expressão imprópria? (Timeu)
The list of the properties of substantial number in VI.6.9.29-31 constructs the intelligible realm in a strictly mathematical progression. So Substantial number does not arrange the multiplicity of intelligible beings into a kosmos noetos, for they have never been in chaos or disorder, but, by dividing Being, the substantial number itself creates a kosmos noetos. To visualize Plotinus’ description, we can mark Being as a point representing the unified number of Being, the Intellect as a concentric circle representing the number moving in itself, all beings as lines unfolding from Being to the circle of the Intellect, and finally the Complete Living Being as a sphere encompassing all the above. Plotinus himself explains that substantial number constructs the intelligible realm as “an intelligible sphere (sphaira noete) embracing the form imposed upon the universe.” Because substantial number does not measure quantitatively beings and the intelligible realm, this image is not spatial or temporal and yet is a literal and iconic representation of the architecture of the intelligible according to the ontogenetic activities of substantial number. The best parallel to the metaphysical qualities of Plotinus’ image is perhaps Parmenides’ own description of being as “completed, / from every direction like the bulk of a well-rounded sphere, / everywhere from the centre equally matched.” (Slaveva-Griffin)