This One-All, therefore, is a sympathetic total and stands as one living being; the far is near; it happens as in one animal with its separate parts: talon, horn, finger, and any other member are not continuous and yet are effectively near; intermediate parts feel nothing, but at a distant point the local experience is known. Correspondent things not side by side but separated by others placed between, the sharing of experience by dint of like condition – this is enough to ensure that the action of any distant member be transmitted to its distant fellow. Where all is a living thing summing it. This One-All, therefore, is a sympathetic total and stands as one living being; the far is near; it happens as in one animal with its separate parts: talon, horn, finger, and any other member are not continuous and yet are effectively near; intermediate parts feel nothing, but at a distant point the local experience is known. Correspondent things not side by side but separated by others placed between, the sharing of experience by dint of like condition – this is enough to ensure that the action of any distant member be transmitted to its distant fellow. Where all is a living thing summing to a unity there is nothing so remote in point of place as not to be near by virtue of a nature which makes of the one living being a sympathetic organism. IV Fourth 32
One-All (Universo)
- Enéada IV, 4, 44 — Só a contemplação é livre, não a ação
- Enéada IV, 4, 45 — Conclusões gerais
- Enéada IV, 4, 5 — A memória em sua relação à união da alma e do corpo (5)
- Enéada IV, 4, 6 — A memória não pertence senão às almas que mudam de lugar e se transformam
- Enéada IV, 4, 7 — Os astros (1)
- Enéada IV, 4, 8 — Os astros (2)
- Enéada IV, 4, 9 — Zeus como demiurgo
- Guthrie: Tratado 28 (IV, 4, 1-5) – A memória em sua relação à união da alma e do corpo
- Guthrie: Tratado 28 (IV, 4, 10) – JUPITER MAY BE TAKEN IN A DOUBLE SENSE