gr. στάσις, stásis (he): repouso. Derivado do verbo gr. ἵστημι, hístemi / histemi: ponho, coloco. Esse termo indica imobilidade, permanência, continuidade. Opõe-se a kínesis / kinesis, movimento.
Whether a person who has the greater virtues also has the lesser in actuality, or in another way, has to be studied case by case. Take practical wisdom: if it is going to use (in its greater forms) different principles, how does the original virtue still remain, even inactive? And if one kind of (340) practical wisdom permits so much, the other a different amount, and one kind of temperance moderates, the other altogether removes (emotion). Similarly with the other virtues too in general, once practical wisdom has been changed. Or will one know the virtues and know how much to take from each? Perhaps one will act according to different ones at different times, depending on circumstances (peristatikos). But having come to greater principles and different measures, one will act in accordance with those, for example locating temperance not in the original moderation, but in general as far as possible separating (oneself from emotion), and in general living not the life of a good human, which civic virtue values, but having left this behind and chosen the life of the gods.