Tag: demiourgos

  • Jowett: TIM 17a-27b — Prólogo

    Socrates. One, two, three ; but where, my dear Timaeus, is the fourth of those who were yesterday my guests and are to be my entertainers to-day ? Timaeus. He has been taken ill, Socrates ; for he would not willingly have been absent from this gathering. Soc. Then, if he is not coming, you…

  • Jowett: TIM 34b-37c -— A Alma do Mundo

    Now God did not make the soul after the body, although we are speaking of them in this order ; for having brought them together he would never have allowed that the elder should be ruled by the younger ; but this is a random manner of speaking which we have, because somehow we ourselves…

  • Jowett: TIM 29d-34c -— Dedução finalista de suas propriedades

    Tim. Let me tell you then why the creator made this world of generation. He was good, and the good can never have any jealousy of anything. And being free from jealousy, he desired that all things should be as like himself as they could be. This is in the truest sense the origin of…

  • Jowett: TIM 27d-29d -— A gênese do Universo sensível: o Modelo e o Demiurgo

    First then, in my judgment, we must make a distinction and ask, What is that which always is and has no becoming ; and what is that which is always becoming and never is ? That which is apprehended by intelligence and reason is always in the same state ; but that which is conceived…

  • Jowett: TIM 27c-92c -— Exposição de Timeu.

    Tim. All men, Socrates, who have any degree of right feeling, at the beginning of every enterprise, whether small or great, always call upon God. And we, too, who are going to discourse of the nature of the universe, how created or how existing without creation, if we be not altogether out of our wits,…

  • Jowett: TIM 25d-27b — Crítias se engaja a desenvolver este relato histórico

    I have told you briefly, Socrates, what the aged Critias heard from Solon and related to us. And when you were speaking yesterday about your city and citizens, the tale which I have just been repeating to you came into my mind, and I remarked with astonishment how, by some mysterious coincidence, you agreed in…

  • Jowett: TIM 24e-25d — Luta de Atenas contra Atlântida

    Many great and wonderful deeds are recorded of your state in our histories. But one of them exceeds all the rest in greatness and valour. For these histories tell of a mighty power which unprovoked made an expedition against the whole of Europe and Asia, and to which your city put an end. This power…

  • Jowett: TIM 23d-24d — Atenas antiga

    Solon marvelled at his words, and earnestly requested the priests to inform him exactly and in order about these former citizens. “You are welcome to hear about them, Solon, said the priest, both for your own sake and for that of your city, and above all, for the sake of the goddess who is the…

  • Jowett: TIM 21e-23c — A narração de Sólon

    He replied : — In the Egyptian Delta, at the head of which the river Nile divides, there is a certain district which is called the district of Sais, and the great city of the district is also called Sais, and is the city from which King Amasis came. The citizens have a deity for…

  • Jowett: TIM 20c-21d — A Gesta dos Atenienses

    Hermocrates. And we too, Socrates, as Timaeus says, will not be wanting in enthusiasm ; and there is no excuse for not complying with your request. As soon as we arrived yesterday at the guest-chamber of Critias, with whom we are staying, or rather on our way thither, we talked the matter over, and he…

  • Jowett: TIM 19b-20c — Estado Ideal em ação

    Soc. I should like, before proceeding further, to tell you how I feel about the State which we have described. I might compare myself to a person who, on beholding beautiful animals either created by the painter’s art, or, better still, alive but at rest, is seized with a desire of seeing them in motion…

  • Jowett: TIM 17b-19b — Estado Ideal

    Soc. Do you remember what were the points of which I required you to speak ? Tim. We remember some of them, and you will be here to remind us of anything which we have forgotten : or rather, if we are not troubling you, will you briefly recapitulate the whole, and then the particulars…

  • Jowett: TIM 37c-39e -— O Tempo

    When the father creator saw the creature which he had made moving and living, the created image of the eternal gods, he rejoiced, and in his joy determined to make the copy still more like the original ; and as this was eternal, he sought to make the universe eternal, so far as might be.…

  • Timeu (trad. em espanhol)

    TIMEO O DE LA NATURALEZA Edición Electrónica de Escuela de Filosofía Universidad ARCIS. Tradução em espanhol organizada a seguir segundo a estrutura dada por Léon Robin à versão francesa da obra completa de Platão: Platon : Oeuvres complètes, tome 2

  • Timeo

    Timeo (o de la naturaleza) El Timeo probablemente sea uno de los diálogos más importantes de Platón, pero no tanto por su contenido —que posiblemente le parecía a Platón de una categoría filosófica inferior al de otros diálogos (ya que estamos frente a una teoría física, es decir, del mundo sensible, que a pesar de…

  • TIM 92c-92c: Conclusão

    Y ahora también afirmemos que nuestro discurso acerca del universo ha alcanzado ya su fin, pues este mundo, tras recibir los animales mortales e inmortales y llenarse de esta manera, ser viviente visible que comprende los objetos visibles, imagen sensible del dios inteligible, llegó a ser el mayor y mejor, el más bello y perfecto,…

  • TIM 90e-92c: Os outros viventes

    Bien, ahora parece haber llegado casi a su fin lo que se nos había encomendado al principio, hablar acerca del universo hasta la creación del hombre. Tenemos que recordar, además, brevemente, cómo nació el resto de los animales, tema que no hay ninguna necesidad de prolongar; pues así uno creería ser más mesurado respecto de…

  • TIM 89d-90d: Harmonia da alma

    Quede así expuesto lo que concierne al ser viviente general y a sus partes corporales, de qué manera alguien viviría más de acuerdo con la razón, mientras cuide y sea cuidado por sí mismo. En primer lugar y especialmente, debemos procurar que lo que lo cuida sea en lo posible lo más bello y mejor…

  • TIM 87c-90d: Terapêutica

    Sería razonable y conveniente ofrecer a su vez lo que completa a esto, lo concerniente al cuidado del cuerpo y de la inteligencia, los principios con los que se conservan. Pues es más lógico dar un discurso acerca del bien que sobre el mal. Por cierto, todo lo bueno es bello y lo bello no…

  • TIM 86b-87b: Doenças da alma

    Mientras las enfermedades del cuerpo suceden de la manera antedicha, las del alma que son consecuencia del estado del cuerpo se dan del siguiente modo. Es necesario acordar, ciertamente, que la demencia es una enfermedad del alma y que hay dos clases de demencia, la locura y la ignorancia. Por tanto debemos llamar enfermedad a…