Tag: Benjamin Jowett

Benjamín Jowett nasceu em 15 de abril de 1817 em Londres, Inglaterra; e faleceu em 1 de octubre del año 1893. Foi educador, tradutor, teólogo e erudito inglês. Tradutor das obras de Platão.

  • Jowett: LAWS VII

    LAWS – BOOK VII Resuming the order of the discussion, which was indicated in the previous book, from marriage and birth we proceed to education in the seventh book. Education is to begin at or rather before birth; to be continued for a time by mothers and nurses under the supervision of the state; finally,…

  • Jowett-Plato: Extratos temáticos

    Hoje em dia em domínio público a tradução inglesa da obra de Platão por Benjamin Jowett é um trabalho consagrado e muito referenciado. A edição original encontra-se disponível no Internet Archive: Plato B. Jowett 3rd Edition eBoxed set 5 Vol. The dialogues of Plato (Volume 1) Dialogues of Plato (Volume 2) Dialogues of Plato (Volume…


    (12.359c) Plato to Archytas of Tarentum wishes well-doing. We have been wonderfully pleased at receiving the treatises which have come from you and felt (12.359d) the utmost possible admiration for their author ; indeed we judged the man to be worthy of those ancient ancestors of his. For in truth these men are said to…


    (11.358d) Plato to Laodamas wishes well-doing. I wrote to you before that in view of all that you say it is of great importance that you yourself should come to Athens. But since you say that this is impossible, the second best course would have been that I, if possible, or Socrates should go to…


    (13.360a) Plato to Dionysius, Tyrant of Syracuse, wishes well-doing. Let this greeting not only commence my letter but serve at the same time as a token that it is from me. Once when you were feasting the Locrian youths and were seated at a distance from me, you got up and came over to me…


    (10.358c) Plato to Aristodorus wishes well-doing. I hear that you now are and always have been one of Dion’s most intimate companions, since of all who pursue philosophy you exhibit the most philosophic disposition ; for steadfastness, trustiness, and sincerity — these I affirm to be the genuine philosophy, but as to all other forms…

  • Jowett: TIM 52d-61c — A constituição de corpos primeiros. O caos inicial.

    Thus have I concisely given the result of my thoughts ; and my verdict is that being and space and generation, these three, existed in their three ways before the heaven ; and that the nurse of generation, moistened by water and inflamed by fire, and receiving the forms of earth and air, and experiencing…

  • Jowett: LAWS XI

    LAWS – BOOK XI The eleventh book is taken up with laws and with admonitions relating to individuals, which follow one another without any exact order. There are laws concerning deposits and the finding of treasure; concerning slaves and freedmen; concerning retail trade, bequests, divorces, enchantments, poisonings, magical arts, and the like.

  • Jowett: REP IV 427c-445e — Retorno ao problema da justiça

    But where, amid all this, is justice ? Son of Ariston, tell me where. Now that our city has been made habitable, light a candle and search, and get your brother and Polemarchus and the rest of our friends to help, and let us see where in it we can discover justice and where injustice,…

  • Jowett: REP IV 419a-427c — O problema social da felicidade. Riqueza e pobreza.

    Here Adeimantus interposed a question : How would you answer, Socrates, said he, if a person were to say that you are making these people miserable, and that they are the cause of their own unhappiness ; the city in fact belongs to them, but they are none the better for it ; whereas other…

  • República II 357a-367e — Continua o debate sobre a justiça

    Después de haber hablado de esta manera, creí que se daría por terminada la conversación; pero, al parecer, todo lo dicho no fue más que el preludio. Glaucón dio en esta ocasión una prueba de su valor acostumbrado, y lejos de rendirse, como Trasímaco, tomó la palabra y dijo: —Sócrates, ¿te contentas con figurarte que…

  • República III 392c-398b — A forma literária

    —Basta lo dicho sobre los discursos, y pasemos a la dicción. De esta manera habremos tratado a fondo lo que debe ser materia de los discursos y la forma que conviene darle. —No entiendo eso que dices —replicó Adimanto. —Pues hay que entenderlo —respondí—. Veamos si me entenderás mejor de otra manera. Todo lo que…

  • República III 386a-392c — Os poetas

    —Tales son —concluí—, en orden a la naturaleza de los dioses, los discursos que conviene, a mi parecer, que oigan y que no oigan, desde la infancia, hombres cuyo principal fin debe ser honrar a los dioses y a sus padres, y mantener entre sí la amistad como un bien nada pequeño. —Lo que hemos…

  • Jowett: Laws VIII 828a-831b — As festas e os sacrifícios

    Athenian Stranger. Next, with the help of the Delphian oracle, we have to institute festivals and make laws about them, and to determine what sacrifices will be for the good of the city, and to what Gods they shall be offered ; but when they shall be offered, and how often, may be partly regulated…

  • Parmênides 127d-130a — início do debate uno-múltiplo

    Carlos Alberto Nunes Terminada essa parte, Sócrates lhe pediu que relesse a primeira hipótese do primeiro argumento, depois do que se manifestou: Que queres dizer com isto, Zenão? Se os seres são múltiplos, por força terão de mostrar, a um só tempo, semelhanças e dissemelhanças, o que não é possível. Nem o semelhante pode ser…

  • Jowett: HPM 282b-284e: A indústria dos sofistas

    (282b) Socrates : Yours, Hippias, is a most excellent way, at any rate, of speaking about them and of thinking, it seems to me and I can bear you witness that you speak the truth, and that your art really has progressed in the direction of ability to carry on public together with private affairs.…

  • Jowett: HPM 281a-282a: Prólogo

    (281a) Socrates : Hippias, beautiful and wise, what a long time it is since you have put in at the port of Athens ! Hippias : I am too busy, Socrates. For whenever Elis needs to have any business transacted with any of the states, she always comes to me first of her citizens and…

  • Jowett: CRITO 51c-54d — Prosopopeia das leis

    Soc. Then the laws will say : “Consider, Socrates, if this is true, that in your present attempt you are going to do us wrong. For, after having brought you into the world, and nurtured and educated you, and given you and every other citizen a share in every good that we had to give, we…

  • Jowett: CRITO 49e-54d — Diálogo de Sócrates com as Leis de seu país

    Soc. Then I will proceed to the next step, which may be put in the form of a question : Ought a man to do what he admits to be right, or ought he to betray the right ? Cr. He ought to do what he thinks right. Soc. But if this is true, what is the…

  • Jowett: CRITO 46b-49e — A recusa de Sócrates de fugir

    Soc. Dear Crito, your zeal is invaluable, if a right one ; but if wrong, the greater the zeal the greater the evil ; and therefore we ought to consider whether these things shall be done or not. For I am and always have been one of those natures who must be guided by reason,…