Tag: poiein
TIM 76e-81e: Fisiologia
in TimeuCuando ya estaban todas las partes y miembros propios de un ser viviente mortal, y tenía que pasar necesariamente su vida entre fuego y aire, y, como era disuelto y vaciado por ellos y se desgastaba, los dioses concibieron una ayuda para él. Mezclaron una naturaleza relacionada con la humana con otras figuras y sensaciones,…
TIM 73b-76e: Anatomia e histologia
in TimeuLos huesos, la carne y los elementos semejantes fueron creados de la siguiente manera. La médula es el origen de todos éstos; pues, mientras el alma está atada al cuerpo, los vínculos vitales dan raíces firmes al género humano, pero la médula misma se origina en otros elementos. El dios, al idear una mezcla de…
TIM 70d-73a: Alma apetitiva
in TimeuEntre el diafragma y el límite hacia el ombligo, hicieron habitar a la parte del alma que siente apetito de comidas y bebidas y de todo lo que necesita la naturaleza corporal, para lo cual construyeron en todo este lugar como una especie de pesebre para la alimentación del cuerpo. Allí la ataron, por cierto,…
TIM 70a-70d: Alma irascível. Coração.
in TimeuImplantaron la parte belicosa del alma que participa de la valentía y el coraje más cerca de la cabeza, entre el diafragma y el cuello, para que escuche a la razón y junto con ella coaccione violentamente la parte apetitiva, cuando ésta no se encuentre en absoluto dispuesta a cumplir voluntariamente la orden y la…
Jowett: TIM 58c-61c — Variedades e alterações físicas dos corpos primeiros
in TimeuIn the next place we have to consider that there are divers kinds of fire. There are, for example, first, flame ; and secondly, those emanations of flame which do not burn but only give light to the eyes ; thirdly, the remains of fire, which are seen in red-hot embers after the flame has…
Jowett: TIM 92c — Conclusão
in TimeuWe may now say that our discourse about the nature of the universe has an end. The world has received animals, mortal and immortal, and is fulfilled with them, and has become a visible animal containing the visible — the sensible God who is the image of the intellectual, the greatest, best, fairest, most perfect…
Jowett: TIM 90e-92c — Os outros seres vivos
in TimeuThus our original design of discoursing about the universe down to the creation of man is nearly completed. A brief mention may be made of the generation of other animals, so far as the subject admits of brevity ; in this manner our argument will best attain a due proportion. On the subject of animals,…
Jowett: TIM 87c-90d — Terapêutica
in TimeuThere is a corresponding enquiry concerning the mode of treatment by which the mind and the body are to be preserved, about which it is meet and right that I should say a word in turn ; for it is more our duty to speak of the good than of the evil. Everything that is…
Jowett: TIM 81e-87b — Patologia
in TimeuNow every one can see whence diseases arise. There are four natures out of which the body is compacted, earth and fire and water and air, and the unnatural excess or defect of these, or the change of any of them from its own natural place into another, or — since there are more kinds…
Jowett: TIM 76e-81e — Fisiologa.
in TimeuAnd now that all the parts and members of the mortal animal had come together, since its life of necessity consisted of fire and breath, and it therefore wasted away by dissolution and depletion, the gods contrived the following remedy : They mingled a nature akin to that of man with other forms and perceptions,…
Jowett: TIM 73b-76e — Anatomia e histologia
in TimeuThe bones and flesh, and other similar parts of us, were made as follows. The first principle of all of them was the generation of the marrow. For the bonds of life which unite the soul with the body are made fast there, and they are the root and foundation of the human race. The…
Jowett: TIM 69c-73a — A Alma Humana
in TimeuNow of the divine, he himself was the creator, but the creation of the mortal he committed to his offspring. And they, imitating him, received from him the immortal principle of the soul ; and around this they proceeded to fashion a mortal body, and. made it to be the vehicle of the so and…
Jowett: TIM 69a-92c — Terceira Parte
in TimeuSeeing, then, that we have now prepared for our use the various classes of causes which are the material out of which the remainder of our discourse must be woven, just as wood is the material of the carpenter, let us revert in a few words to the point at which we began, and then…
Jowett: TIM 65b-69a — Os sentidos especializados
in TimeuThus have we discussed the general affections of the whole body, and the names of the agents which produce them. And now I will endeavour to speak of the affections of particular parts, and the causes and agents of them, as far as I am able. In the first place let us set forth what…
Jowett: TIM 61d-65b — A sensibilidade geral.
in TimeuFirst, let us enquire what we mean by saying that fire is hot ; and about this we may reason from the dividing or cutting power which it exercises on our bodies. We all of us feel that fire is sharp ; and we may further consider the fineness of the sides, and the sharpness…
Jowett: TIM 61c-69a — As qualidades sensíveis (psico-fisiologia das sensações).
in TimeuI have thus shown the various classes of bodies as they are diversified by their forms and combinations and changes into one another, and now I must endeavour to set forth their affections and the causes of them. In the first place, the bodies which I have been describing are necessarily objects of sense. But…
TIM 69a-90d: O Ser humano.
in TimeuAhora que, al igual que los carpinteros la madera, tenemos ante nosotros los tipos de causas que se han decantado y a partir de los cuales es necesario entretejer el resto del discurso, volvamos un instante al comienzo para marchar rápidamente hasta el punto desde donde vinimos hasta aquí e intentar poner una coronación final…
Jowett: TIM 55d-58c — Os quatro corpos fundamentais
in TimeuBut, leaving this enquiry, let us proceed to distribute the elementary forms, which have now been created in idea, among the four elements. To earth, then, let us assign the cubical form ; for earth is the most immoveable of the four and the most plastic of all bodies, and that which has the most…
Jowett: TIM 53c-55d — As determinações geométricas elementares
in TimeuIn the first place, then, as is evident to all, fire and earth and water and air are bodies. And every sort of body possesses solidity, and every solid must necessarily be contained in planes ; and every plane rectilinear figure is composed of triangles ; and all triangles are originally of two kinds, both…
Jowett: TIM 52d-61c — A constituição de corpos primeiros. O caos inicial.
in TimeuThus have I concisely given the result of my thoughts ; and my verdict is that being and space and generation, these three, existed in their three ways before the heaven ; and that the nurse of generation, moistened by water and inflamed by fire, and receiving the forms of earth and air, and experiencing…