Tratado 10,12 (V, 1, 12) — Se nossa alma possui “coisas tão grandes”, porque permanece inerte e inativa? (Thomas Taylor)

XII. How, therefore, does it happen, since we possess things of such great dignity, that we do not apprehend them, but for the most part are sluggish with respect to such like energies ? And there are some who do not energize about them at all. Intellect, indeed, and that which, prior to intellect, is always in itself, are always employed in their own energies. Soul, likewise, is thus that which is always moved. For not every thing which is in the soul is now sensible ; but it arrives to us when it proceeds as far as to sense. When, however, each thing in us energizing, does not impart itself to the sensitive power, it does not yet proceed through the whole soul. Hence we have not yet any knowledge of the energy, because we exist in conjunction with the sensitive power, and are not a part of the soul, hut the whole soul. And farther still, each of the psychical animals in us, always energizes essentially according to its peculiarity ; hut we then only recognize the energy, when there is a participation and apprehension of it. It is necessary, therefore, in order that there may he an apprehension of things which are thus present, that the animadversive power should be converted to the interior of the soul, and there fix its attention. Just as if some one waiting to hear a voice which is pleasing to him, should separate himself from other voices, and excite his hearing to the pereception of the more excellent sound, when it approaches. Thus, also, here it is necessary to dismiss sensible auditions, except so far as is necessary, and to preserve the animadversive power of the soul pure, and prepared to hear supernal sounds.

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